Newbidder TRK
Newbidder TRK 2.0 is live now
> > > Sign Up for < < <
Set up Campaign
Enter the name of your Campaign. It will automatically add the Traffic source name and the country name.
Choose your traffic source from the dropdown menu.

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Or add an new traffic source by click "+ Add traffic source" button

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Load an source template

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Notice: be aware that the integration beside the traffic source name means we are integrating the traffic source api into our system, so that you can bind your token to our system and pull back the real cost and manage the campaign, website id status through API, check the detail next week, the function is in the beta test. before we high lighten the Integrating, just leave the Integrating inactive.
Please also fill in the postback url with yours, how to get your popads postback url , check the detail
Leave all token in advanced section, they are ready and good for you
Click save before you rename your traffic source name.
Choose your country from the dropdown menu.

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Choose how you want to track your costs.
You will enter the CPC or CPA depending on what you selected before.
eg: if you run pop with cpm 4 usd, then you can choose cpc and fill in 0.004
Decide how you want to redirect. 302 means the affiliate network you’re sending traffic to can see your landing page. Meta refresh / Double meta is a way to “hide” your referral. In theory, double-meta refreshes sound great, but they don’t work 100% of the time. I find meta-refreshes cause me to lose clicks.
In the destination you have 3 option.
click create flow

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the New flow configuration menu will open, as per the screenshot below:

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Flow Name
Your flow name is generated by the country you choose, add you custom name in the end.
eg we choose Poland.

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Flow: create path
Now you need create path
Path set the target for traffic received in an campaign
There are path contains default path and rule
Default path has no target option--always required in an flow
Rule-based path provide traffic to be targeted to be particular destination by the specific criteria and value set
Navigate to the left menu and choose path

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you can tick the direct link option if you has no lander.

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if you has lander
add an lander first

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note: please add the click url to the lander script at redirect place like tag href
for more lander tricky, check the detail
after that Add an New offer
put the mobidea offer to the offer url

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the next way you can import tons of mobidea offers one time using our api, check the detail
Note: put the {} to the end of the tag to pass the clickid to the mobidea
the correct postback url mobidea is:{{EXTERNAL_ID}}&payout={{MONEY}}&txid=OPTIONAL
Put the postback url in to mobidea global post back url postion

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Also you can add multi -lander and multi -offer with weight

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if you wanna add rule
eg , redirect the Canada ip to another path

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save to the campaign
All done!
> > > Sign Up for newbidder.com1 < < <
> > > Sign Up for < < <
Set up Campaign

Enter the name of your Campaign. It will automatically add the Traffic source name and the country name.
Choose your traffic source from the dropdown menu.

image.jpg758x540 46.1 KB
Or add an new traffic source by click "+ Add traffic source" button

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image.png1886x1400 102 KB
Load an source template

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Notice: be aware that the integration beside the traffic source name means we are integrating the traffic source api into our system, so that you can bind your token to our system and pull back the real cost and manage the campaign, website id status through API, check the detail next week, the function is in the beta test. before we high lighten the Integrating, just leave the Integrating inactive.
Please also fill in the postback url with yours, how to get your popads postback url , check the detail
Leave all token in advanced section, they are ready and good for you
Click save before you rename your traffic source name.
Choose your country from the dropdown menu.

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Choose how you want to track your costs.
You will enter the CPC or CPA depending on what you selected before.
eg: if you run pop with cpm 4 usd, then you can choose cpc and fill in 0.004
Decide how you want to redirect. 302 means the affiliate network you’re sending traffic to can see your landing page. Meta refresh / Double meta is a way to “hide” your referral. In theory, double-meta refreshes sound great, but they don’t work 100% of the time. I find meta-refreshes cause me to lose clicks.
In the destination you have 3 option.
click create flow

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the New flow configuration menu will open, as per the screenshot below:

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Flow Name
Your flow name is generated by the country you choose, add you custom name in the end.
eg we choose Poland.

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Flow: create path
Now you need create path
Path set the target for traffic received in an campaign
There are path contains default path and rule
Default path has no target option--always required in an flow
Rule-based path provide traffic to be targeted to be particular destination by the specific criteria and value set
Navigate to the left menu and choose path

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you can tick the direct link option if you has no lander.

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if you has lander
add an lander first

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note: please add the click url to the lander script at redirect place like tag href
for more lander tricky, check the detail
after that Add an New offer
put the mobidea offer to the offer url

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the next way you can import tons of mobidea offers one time using our api, check the detail
Note: put the {} to the end of the tag to pass the clickid to the mobidea
the correct postback url mobidea is:{{EXTERNAL_ID}}&payout={{MONEY}}&txid=OPTIONAL
Put the postback url in to mobidea global post back url postion

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Also you can add multi -lander and multi -offer with weight

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if you wanna add rule
eg , redirect the Canada ip to another path

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save to the campaign
All done!
> > > Sign Up for newbidder.com1 < < <