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How to Read Google Alerts!


New Member
Hi all,

i was just wondering if anyone has any tips on how to read the Google alerts and can spare some time to tell us all - from a SEO view point!

Thanks in advance.
I don't know how to use the information that's why the question - here on the forum!
I have to read about it - to master it!

I thought this will add value to the forum as well & provide resources to learners like me! :)
You can set up Google alerts from your control panel when you log into your Google account. It should be one of things you see in the list presented when you log in.

I set up alerts for my keywords, so that i can see what other sites are being indexed for the same keywords.
Google alerts are a great way to build links. Setup alerts for all your keywords then Google will inform you of all new blog posts, articles, forum posts etc that are semantically related. Go to the post and leave your comment!