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How to save on heating bills this winter


Well-Known Member
AI and I went round and round, about building Solar air space heating boxes outside and --then pushing the heated air into auxiliary ducts in my attic --then venting the hot air from the boxes into the house. The capital cost and the recovery breakeven might be 4 -7 years --not acceptable to me.

The AI and I calculated the cost of reducing the houses temperature 3 degrees F and heating the room(s) I was using to 68F for comfort. The added electric cost was a wash against the over-all forced air heating reduction. So, I reached this conclusion and AI made me an image :D

Rent Free some adapting required ...

AI and I went round and round, about building Solar air space heating boxes outside and --then pushing the heated air into auxiliary ducts in my attic --then venting the hot air from the boxes into the house. The capital cost and the recovery breakeven might be 4 -7 years --not acceptable to me.

The AI and I calculated the cost of reducing the houses temperature 3 degrees F and heating the room(s) I was using to 68F for comfort. The added electric cost was a wash against the over-all forced air heating reduction. So, I reached this conclusion and AI made me an image :D

Rent Free some adapting required ...

View attachment 37074
Just needs a few decorative touches and you'll have a cozy home. Maybe a couple of throw pillows.

I see all the men in your family have beards. :rofl
you're all set if the zombie apocalypse comes.
Not long term, a limited outlook if that type scenario develops. I am more concerned with civil disorder after the general elections here (this November) in the US as a remote possibility.
Not long term, a limited outlook if that type scenario develops. I am more concerned with civil disorder after the general elections here (this November) in the US as a remote possibility.
I haven't kept a careful eye out on your side of the border but what I have seen, I can understand your concern.

Some have the same worry here but for a different reason.
AI and I went round and round, about building Solar air space heating boxes outside and --then pushing the heated air into auxiliary ducts in my attic --then venting the hot air from the boxes into the house. The capital cost and the recovery breakeven might be 4 -7 years --not acceptable to me.

The AI and I calculated the cost of reducing the houses temperature 3 degrees F and heating the room(s) I was using to 68F for comfort. The added electric cost was a wash against the over-all forced air heating reduction. So, I reached this conclusion and AI made me an image :D

Rent Free some adapting required ...

View attachment 37074
I wonder why a woman is not covered?))) Is she is not cold?)