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How to Scale your Keyword List for PPC or Article Marketing

Linda Buquet

New Member
I have tried to find this article numerous times to answer various questions and can never find it. I just stumbled across it looking for something else, so thought I'd give it it's own post so I can find it when I need it.

It goes into 2 different ways to scale your keyword list going wide, or going deep. Most people start with plugging their main keyword into Wordtracker or Google Adwords keyword tool, or some other. That only gives you keywords that run 'deep' and use the root keyword.

Here read up and see how to go wide as well.

<a href="">Keyword Research : Go Deep or Going Wide First?</a>

Even if you managed to get the spyware keywords to convert, with a sharp professional looking review site that compares every possible benefit and feature of 3 different spyware removers, you?re still may be missing out on the most profitable niches in the market.

What?s worse, in many markets a broad keyword list will deliver WAY more traffic than a deep one that focus on the main most competitive keyword.

This is why it?s so important to go wide FIRST before you go deep, it will assure that you get the maximum amount of traffic and allow you to identify the most profitable sub niches in the market you?re in.

Once you go wide and see which sub niche of keywords (malware, keylogger, worm ,etc) are producing the most traffic and conversions then focus in on those keywords and start going deep.