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How to survive after Google's Panda update (aka Farmer)

I thought I'd been kinda sorta keeping up with the news about this update, but when you called it Panda,
I was like "no one calls it Panda, or was I blind?"

So it turns out I wasn't the only one that thought it was called Farmer.
<a href="">What's Your Name? Farmer Or Panda?</a>
Danny Sullivan called it Farmer because it targetted content farms. Today Google revealed that their internal name for it was Panda, reportedly after one of the Google engineers.
Minstrel I know that this update effected pretty much all the article directories negatively. Would you say that article marketing, or I should ask, do you think that articles now don't help as much when it comes to power of links? Obviously they'll get less traffic because the articles don't carry as much weight - but what's your view on their weight with the links back to your site. Could articles even hurt your site rankings at all because they are being seen as farms? Would love your input here.
Minstrel I know that this update effected pretty much all the article directories negatively. Would you say that article marketing, or I should ask, do you think that articles now don't help as much when it comes to power of links? Obviously they'll get less traffic because the articles don't carry as much weight - but what's your view on their weight with the links back to your site. Could articles even hurt your site rankings at all because they are being seen as farms? Would love your input here.

Frankly, I think you'll get more value from guest blog posting or simply increasing the value of your site with quality original content. Real quality content has never been a problem, but let's be honest here: Article directories with short generic articles that are spun and re spun over and over contribute nothing to the web and exist purely to provide links to the authors' sites. That's a link farm. That has no value to the average browser. And that is what has just been punished.

Possibly, the best article repositories may be able to do something to pull themselves out of Google hell but I certainly wouldn't bet on it. I think that scam has been outed and is forever gone.

Could links from farms hurt you? Possibly. I think it more likely that they will have no value as backlinks.
Great post by Dave Snyder over at BlueGlass.

<a href="">How to Ride the Panda</a>

I am not sure I have ever seen a general histeria about an update to the level of this most recent Farmer/Panda madness.

Granted the mainstream media picking up on a search update, and its tie to one of the first major tech IPOs in recent history are all the right ingredients for major commotion. However, the good SEO will stay calm, sit back, and collect data. The seasoned SEO knows how these things play out, a major change followed by adjustment, then the need to tweak a marketing plan.

But what are the tweaks?

Let’s looks at what information we have to date.
I'm not to up to date with googles algorithm as I'm quite new to SEO, I just wanted to find out if it will be changing current SEO techniques like article writing or is it something completely different?
I definitely think it's going to have a significant impact on the utility of article writing for article directories and repositories. What it means for those who relied on article marketing is back to basics for on-page and off-page SEO.
That's quite interesting to know, I've recently started doing articles, I guess I'd be better off finding something else. Have you got any tips for other types of SEO?
That's quite interesting to know, I've recently started doing articles, I guess I'd be better off finding something else. Have you got any tips for other types of SEO?

Remember that I'm just posting MY opinion here. Others may disagree.

But SEO gimmicks will always falter in the end. The basics always work, but they don't work quickly. That's why people look for shortcuts. The key is work steadily, build slowly, and acquire patience.

Start here:


The New Age Of Article Marketing
by Byrne Hobart, Search Engine Land
Mar 11, 2011

The old trick was pretty simple: there were dozens of ?article directories? online, which would pay somewhere between ?A pittance? and ?$0″ for 300 words or so of content, which could include a link. They took care of the hard part: building a trusted site that could rank for the long-tail terms that showed up in the articles, and would pass link-juice along with traffic.

Google?s ?Farmer? update didn?t end that process, but it definitely changed it...

?Farmer? means that doing article marketing the easy way is over. You can no longer treat low-level content production as a commodity, and crank up the dial in order to achieve rankings. Not only did many content farms lose rankings, but they responded by raising quality requirements and implementing no-followed links. Not only will you get a smaller audience, but you?ll have to invest more to get it.

But here are a few tricks SEOs can use to deal with the effects of ?Farmer?:

That looks like a good tactic to employ, I think I'd be better off using my own articles to try this method. As it says, why pay for articles of poor quality when one quality written article is more valuable. I think the hardest part would be employing professional authors to write for you though, how much do you think ehow would charge for shared traffic though?
ezinearticles also dropped in teh ranking and now they have much stricter rules for submission. i think it`s time to move to other article directories
the key is build unique-worth sharing content and branding is the next SEO key. viral marketing and link bait are also teach by Aeron Wall for effective SEO in 2011 and beyond.