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Seeking Help How to upload drcash landing page into my website !


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How to upload drcash landing page into my website !

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tbh, I do not know how to use it. I am looking for an explanation or a video on how to do it.
i also want to cloak those landing page because i will promote adults products on facebook ads

please help me guys
  • Make 10 or more disposable Facebook user accounts with different digital footprints. Trick is to forge your computer device's attributes --the display, the audio and video (and others)
  • Get a VPN and learn to use several browsers with the VPN and forge your user-agent to try to outwit the Facebook Police.
  • Learn how to redirect your click from Facebook and how to detect all of the known and unknown Facebook Moderation and Facebook bots tracking bots.

After a profile account gets banned ...


Use your next profile account and try to do better next time ... Banned ? Repeat ...

Success as a Facebook criminal takes a lot of practice and is short lived usually.
Uploading a DrCash landing page to your website generally involves a few key steps. Depending on your website's platform (like WordPress, Wix, Squarespace, etc.), the process may differ slightly. Here's a general guide you can adapt based on your situation:

Steps to Upload a DrCash Landing Page​

  1. Download the Landing Page:
    • First, you need to have the DrCash landing page file. This is typically an HTML file and might include CSS, JavaScript, and images in additional folders.
  2. Prepare Your Hosting Environment:
    • Make sure your web hosting account is active and that you have access to the file manager or FTP.
  3. Access Your Website Files:
    • Using a File Manager:
      • Log in to your hosting control panel (like cPanel).
      • Navigate to the file manager where your website files are stored.
    • Using FTP:
      • Use an FTP client (like FileZilla) to connect to your web server. You'll need your FTP credentials (server address, username, and password).
  4. Upload Files:
    • If you are using a file manager:
      • Navigate to the directory where you want to upload the landing page (usually in the public_html folder if this is your main website).
      • Click on the upload option and select the files of your landing page (HTML, CSS, JS, Images, etc.).
    • If you are using FTP:
      • Connect to your website.
      • Drag and drop your HTML file and any associated folders into the desired directory.
  5. Ensure Proper File Structure:
    • Make sure that your HTML file correctly references any CSS, JS, or image files. The paths should be correct relative to where the HTML file is located.
  6. Test the Landing Page:
    • Open a web browser and enter the URL of your new landing page. For example, if you uploaded it to a folder called "drcash", the URL might be www. your website .com/ drcash/ yourfile. html.
  7. Configure Domain/Redirect (if necessary):
    • If you want this landing page to be your main website's page or part of a campaign, you might need to set up redirects or update your domain settings accordingly.
  8. SEO and Analytics Setup:
    • If you want to track the performance of your landing page, ensure that you add any necessary analytics tracking codes.
    • Consider optimizing the page for SEO.

Additional Considerations:​

  • Content Management Systems (CMS):If you’re using a CMS like WordPress, you might instead create a new page and use custom HTML blocks to paste the code from your landing page, or use a theme builder plugin that allows for custom page design.
  • Mobile Responsiveness:Ensure the landing page is mobile-friendly. You might need to add additional CSS media queries for better responsiveness.
  • Promotional Strategies:Once the page is live, consider how you will share or promote it, utilizing various marketing channels.
When you know what you are doing this becomes very trivial

the whole directory structure is unziped as it was 'issued'
you should check your links for your correct affiliate code ofc

this whole process takes 5 minutes when done in ssh on your server

*I don't like to type unnecessarily, Thanks AI :p