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I have 10K USD. What should I do ? (I like paid ads)


New Member
Hi there.
More than a year ago to say that I had no job and depressed. I became a VA and made some money, I'm happy, I have now 10K to spend. To all of you: don't despair ! If i could do it you can too.

I love campaigns with paid traffic, I tried before but with no money could not do much. I liked FB ads, and I tried pops + cpa, without much success (but I loved it !)

Now that I'm OK with money, I'd like to come back into paid traffic (media buying+CPA maybe?). I wanted to be a VA in paid traffic but kinda hard to find, most of VA / jobs are to make websites (what I did). No problem, I have money now, I will jump in myself !

I'm not sure if I want to go in FB ads + dropshipping since FB ads became painful with multiple bans... Google Ads is the same I guess. I know there are other source of traffic, like native or push (looks like pop ads), or anything else...

What would you suggest ? (+if you have a thread associated, or a course, or anything else so I can start with, would be great)

Thanks guys !
How many years experience in ad buy do you have --none or little?
spend that money slowly while you are learning --what you lose will be an investment in knowledge and data ...
Thanks for the replies guys.
Yeah PPC would be good, and yeah I have a little experience as I said in the first post, but I have a hard time knowing where to start. I'm looking at threads on this forums and other, but for one of the first time I can't decide where to start.

I thought to start as a VA in ppc + cpa but kind hard to find I guess.