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im new here


New Member
hmm... lets see... where can i begin.... alright

i was always wondering about where does nexusleads,hydranetwork, revenueuniverse go to get their affiliates. i would like to have a site like that but i dont know where to get high paying commissions to actually make money to compete with them. i googled and found this so im hoping to find some help :)
HI CraftyCash,

You SURE you want to start a network???????????
I know a lot and do recruiting for a living. I wouldn't start a network if someone gave me a MILLION dollars. I tried helping one of the top companies launch one and its a nightmare. They had a full team, programmers and $ and still could not pull it off.

One big problem with new networks is the chicken Vs egg syndrome.

You can't get affiliates until you have lots of programs and offers and you can't get merchants and advertisers unless you have lots of affiliates.

If you have to ask the question you don't have what it takes and would be wasting your time. FYI it also takes BIG bucks to get started and do enough marketing to even get your name out there. One network even gave away a sports car to get buzz and new affiliates. Do you have that kind of cash? Do you have programmers?

Plus there are already too many networks. Don't bother - seriously!
well i am not really trying to start a network. i got a freebie site and i am just wondering where do i get high paying affiliates because my affiliates are paying low.
Ohhhhh. So I think you used the wrong terms. You are the affiliate. Sorry I answered wrong. Have had lots of people ask me how to start networks lately and it sounded like what you wanted when you send you were trying to find "affiliates." Plus you said you wanted a site like theirs and to "compete with them"? So I'm a little confused still.

I think then you mean "where can you get good paying MERCHANTs or advertisers that have high paying offers?

Freebie sites are very hard to monetize. Have you tried Azoogle?
They have some high paying offers.
This 5 Star member is an affiliate looking to join some affiliate programs that would bring in more money. I know that from private message exchanges with this member on other issues and I determined that from some of what was said.

I am under the impression that you are relatively new to affiliate marketing. Often when people are new they are anxious to find very high paying offers and often for the wrong reasons.

New affiliates often think things will be easier than they really are and if they can get a few of these big commissions they will be doing a lot better than if they got a lot of smaller commissions. That may or may not be true depending on many factors, including the dollar amounts you are talking about.

Generally speaking it is harder to make the sale that pays the high commission and easier to make the sale that pays the smaller commission. Some of the smaller paying ones just require a particular action to be taken rather than a sale to be made.

Sometimes when a person isn't doing as well as they like there are many other things that could be involved that they haven't considered.

There could be things wrong with your site such as poor navigation or even where you are placing your ads. You might want to give consideration to starting a thread in our Site Review Forum and ask if there are any improvements you could make to your site that could help you generate more income. Here is a link to that forum

No matter how much merchants are paying you in commissions, it doesn't matter if you don't have traffic. You need people to visit your site. Remember only a small fraction of the people who visit are going to take any interest in the advertising and then only a fraction of those are going to take the needed action to produce your commission.

You might be interested in becoming an affiliate for some who require a certain minimum amount of traffic. Building traffic is something which is very important.
thanks for the help! :)

i will look into azoogle and the site review forum. is there anymore high paying affiliates out there i could use?