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Indonesia blocks YouTube


Senior Member
The Indonesian government has blocked YouTube, apparently for making available the anti-Islamic film, Fitna, by right wing Dutch politician Geert Wilders.

As well as banning Wilders’ film, some hardcore Muslims, unaware of the irony of what they were doing, protested outside the Dutch embassy in Jakarta, calling for the filmaker’s death. The film, Fitna, the Arabic word for “religious discord”, accuses the Koran of inciting violence.

Indonesia has asked Internet providers to block access to the Video sharing Web site and according to Reuters, the government’s information minister, Muhammad Nuh, has written to the YouTube asking them to please remove the film.

Here's the whole article: Indonesia blocks YouTube - The INQUIRER
What is the pleasure

I don't know what pleasure these people get in banning youtube.Why don;t they ban the whole internet.