The Most Active and Friendliest
Affiliate Marketing Community Online!

“AdsEmpire”/  Direct Affiliate

Internet marketer


Previousl I was Project Administrator and now an affiliate of clickbank. I am a starter and would like to promote this site to my connections in social medias etc.

Hi, @Anand Paul and welcome!

We have many CB affiliates here and I'm sure you'll run into them from time to time. If you'd like to search for some CB topics, just use the magnifying glass on the upper right of any forum page. That lets you search the forums.

We also have a busy Social Media forum that may interest you.

Anytime you have a question or want to share some good information, just start a thread to let us know.

Enjoy the forums! :)
Welcome @Anand Paul , thanks for joining affiliatefix.

Knowledge is key in this business, and this is one of the best forum for you to get a hands on advice being starter t pro. Like my friends and mentors here @azgold , @tyoussef please go through and you can start a thread if something is not available in the search results.

Share, Stay and Be Informed.

Previousl I was Project Administrator and now an affiliate of clickbank. I am a starter and would like to promote this site to my connections in social medias etc.

Hi @Anand Paul , welcome to AffiliateFix! Thanks for joining us.

As a starter, how far have you progressed?

Are you currently running campaigns?

Looking forward to your posts and threads.

Check out the new enhanced membership option here.

See you around the forums.

Hello Anand Paul. Welcome to AffiliateFix Froum.

Looking forward to see more of your posts. Have a nice stay and enjoy the forum. I am damn sure you will fall in love with this community as everybody does.

Have a nice day :):affiliatefix: