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Intoducing myself


New Member
Started blogging back in 2003. Built up a PR6 site but then pretty well gave it all up. It was not monetized. I was comfortably off back then, before a very messy and costly divorce! Now I'm just a broke pensioner. Got interested in internet marketing etc a while back but got quickly disillusioned and pretty cynical with all the BS. The IM scene has changed so much over the last few years that I'm hoping maybe I can find a way in and make a little money without being conned or being a sleazeball.
Started blogging back in 2003. Built up a PR6 site but then pretty well gave it all up. It was not monetized. I was comfortably off back then, before a very messy and costly divorce! Now I'm just a broke pensioner. Got interested in internet marketing etc a while back but got quickly disillusioned and pretty cynical with all the BS. The IM scene has changed so much over the last few years that I'm hoping maybe I can find a way in and make a little money without being conned or being a sleazeball.

Hello @mikepower and welcome to the new AffiliateFix! We have merged our previously known WebsiteFix and acquired, and merged, 5staraffiliateprograms with our newly redesigned and relaunched AffiliateFix. We hope you have a great experience with this community and find it plentiful, inspiring, and fruitful.

Lots has changed in the industry over the years. One thing to take note, while there are an abundance of black hats, scammers and spammers, the bulk of the industry has become a very viable place to earn with integrity.

We have loads of great contributors posting actionable information every day.

I'm sure you will find we are a friendly and engaging group of marketers and easy to forge relationships with.

Looking forward to your posts and threads.

Check out the new enhanced membership option here.

See you around the forums.

Hiya, @mikepower and welcome to AFix! As @T J Tutor mentioned, as of three days ago, we have merged our sister site, WebsiteFix and newly acquired 5StarAffiliatePrograms with AffiliateFix. More than 70,000 members and growing fast!

Despite the high number though, we are a family. You won't find better help or support anywhere online.

before a very messy and costly divorce!

Been there, done that, lol.

I'm hoping maybe I can find a way in and make a little money without being conned or being a sleazeball.

Oh, Mike, Mike, Mike. Sleazeball marketing is a choice, not a necessity. A lot of blackhat marketers are actually switching to whitehat. They've finally figured out that a) it doesn't work very easily anymore b) it's not a sustainable business model. Wear the white hat, Mike and your conscience will be clear. :)

Re being conned, I have the answer for you - don't buy any more stuff that promises overnight riches by hitting the auto-pilot easy button. Instead, avail yourself of all the free help and resources here. That's right, free. No con, just help, guidance and support. You can get all the advice you need here in the forums, honest.

Whenever you have a question or need a little help, just start a thread and someone will come to your rescue. Free of charge. :D

Enjoy the forums, Mike!