Introducing traffic
Internet traffic is the flow of people and data across the internet. In order to get conversions or views on your affiliate marketing campaigns you will need to know how to gain traffic. Traffic basically means the amount of people viewing your website.
Internet traffic comes in many forms. But, it can often be separated into paid or free. Paid traffic is usually leveraging off someone else and paying for it. Most of the time, paid traffic can be instant, although often you are put through an approval process.
Paid Traffic

For example, if someone was to buy some advertising space on a website, it would be classed as paid traffic. In many instances, a budget or funding is needed in order to get started with paid traffic, as sometimes you’re required to pay prior to the traffic coming in. Any online platform or service that demands you pay prior to, or after, for website traffic, falls under the paid traffic category.
For example Google ads, Facebook ads, any real time bidding or self-serve platform will all fall under paid traffic. The cost and pricing model comes down to how targeted and volatile the specific niche of the traffic is. The more popular and targeted it is, the more you will be paying for the traffic, in most cases.
Check Voluum's Traffic Sources Guide.
Free Traffic

The opposite of paid traffic is free traffic. This is traffic that you don’t directly pay for to be sent to your site. Using a variety of methods, you can send free traffic to your website and not have to pay for it. free traffic methods can take longer, especially with something like SEO (search engine optimization).
Free traffic comes in many shapes and forms. However, the most popular methods are those of SEO and social marketing. For instance, if you have a large Facebook fan page for your niche and direct users to your site via a status update, that’s free traffic you haven’t had to pay for. Another example would be if you were able to rank a keyword on the first page of Google for your site and you didn’t pay for any ranking. The traffic you would be receiving from Google would be free traffic.
Obviously, if you have money, paid traffic is the quickest way to get some. But, if you want to start with a low investment then free traffic is for you. Longevity, on the one hand, can be achieved from free traffic. On the other hand, paid traffic is often used for a short burst. This can be successful for a specific campaigns.
When learning affiliate marketing it's easy to get lost in multiple traffic sources, the key is to pick one or two and master them. Most new affiliate marketers will start on free traffic whilst funds are low and in order to learn the basic. Then they choose to move onto paid traffic when they have a larger budget and can afford to test different sources.
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Internet traffic is the flow of people and data across the internet. In order to get conversions or views on your affiliate marketing campaigns you will need to know how to gain traffic. Traffic basically means the amount of people viewing your website.
Internet traffic comes in many forms. But, it can often be separated into paid or free. Paid traffic is usually leveraging off someone else and paying for it. Most of the time, paid traffic can be instant, although often you are put through an approval process.
Paid Traffic

For example, if someone was to buy some advertising space on a website, it would be classed as paid traffic. In many instances, a budget or funding is needed in order to get started with paid traffic, as sometimes you’re required to pay prior to the traffic coming in. Any online platform or service that demands you pay prior to, or after, for website traffic, falls under the paid traffic category.
For example Google ads, Facebook ads, any real time bidding or self-serve platform will all fall under paid traffic. The cost and pricing model comes down to how targeted and volatile the specific niche of the traffic is. The more popular and targeted it is, the more you will be paying for the traffic, in most cases.
Check Voluum's Traffic Sources Guide.
Free Traffic

The opposite of paid traffic is free traffic. This is traffic that you don’t directly pay for to be sent to your site. Using a variety of methods, you can send free traffic to your website and not have to pay for it. free traffic methods can take longer, especially with something like SEO (search engine optimization).
Free traffic comes in many shapes and forms. However, the most popular methods are those of SEO and social marketing. For instance, if you have a large Facebook fan page for your niche and direct users to your site via a status update, that’s free traffic you haven’t had to pay for. Another example would be if you were able to rank a keyword on the first page of Google for your site and you didn’t pay for any ranking. The traffic you would be receiving from Google would be free traffic.
Obviously, if you have money, paid traffic is the quickest way to get some. But, if you want to start with a low investment then free traffic is for you. Longevity, on the one hand, can be achieved from free traffic. On the other hand, paid traffic is often used for a short burst. This can be successful for a specific campaigns.
When learning affiliate marketing it's easy to get lost in multiple traffic sources, the key is to pick one or two and master them. Most new affiliate marketers will start on free traffic whilst funds are low and in order to learn the basic. Then they choose to move onto paid traffic when they have a larger budget and can afford to test different sources.

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