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Introduction to AdsPower Local API


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Antidetect browser AdsPower - New Solution to Multi-Accounting
AdsPower Local API

AdsPower Local API can programmatically perform basic functions like retrieving account information, starting and closing the browser, searching for accounts, etc. The Local API can also help realize browser automation using automation frameworks, such as Selenium and Puppeteer. More functional interfaces and customized features are available for subscriptions with advanced API access.

How to use AdsPower Local API

1. Get an AdsPower Local API

2. Open AdsPower app and keep login

3. Check if the API is successfully set up (Account Management -> Settings)


List of AdsPower Local API

Strat the browser​
Close the browser​
Check how the browser works​
Group Mangement​
HTTP Post​
Add groups​
HTTP Post​
Change groups​
Search for groups​
Account Management​
HTTP Post​
Add accounts​
HTTP Post​
Change accounts​
Search for accounts​
HTTP Post​
Delete accounts​
HTTP Post​
Update the groups​


1. Local - HTTP Get - Start the browser



2. Cloud - HTTP Post - Add groups


3. Cloud - HTTP Get - Search for groups


How to get the AdsPower Local API

AdsPower Local API is now available for all subscriptions. Please contact the Online Client Service in case of need.

Keywords: AdsPower, browser API, antidetect browser, browser automation

AdsPower Local API and Headless Browsing

AdsPower provides Local API for all subscriptions now. You can run AdsPower in headless mode with the help of the “headless” parameter and API keys. Use of Local API is also allowed in this case.

* This feature is only available for users who have access to Local API. Please contact online client service if needed.

What is “headless” and API key?

  • “headless”: a parameter used to run AdsPower in headless mode
  • API key: an API key is a unique identifier used by Local APIs as authentification in headless mode. Each account has its own API key, which can be used to allow the use of Local APIs on multiple devices by one account.

How to run in headless mode?

1. Get the API key.

1) Open AdsPower Client, go to “Account Management -> Settings”.

2) Click “Generate api-key” under “Local API”.​

3) Copy the API key.​

2. Run AdsPower in headless mode using the command line and API keys.

1) Make sure you have opened CMD or Terminal in the folder of AdsPower.

* The folder’s path is usually “C:\Program Files (x86)\AdsPower” on Windows.

2) Execute the command line: paste the API key copied from AdsPower Client in the command line.​

When the value is “true”, it’s used to start the headless mode​
Identifier used by Local APIs as authentification in headless mode​
The service enpoint of Local APIs​
*Parameters for Windows / Mac:​

Windows: AdsPower.exe --headless=true --api-key=XXXX --api-port=50325

MacOS: /Applications/ --args --headless=true --api-key=XXXX --api-port=50325

When the execution is succeeded, you can see the address to which the Local API returns as below:

Non-headless vs headless

In non-headless mode, the login to an account is restricted to one device, while in headless mode, the login to an account from multiple devices is allowed.

If you want to run automated operations using one account on multiple devices, you can use Local APIs in headless mode with the help of API keys.


Q: Can I run the software in non-headless mode and in headless mode simultaneously?

A: No.

Q: If the API key has been changed, can I still use the API, which was authentificated by the old API key?

A: No, the system will warn you about the invalid API key. Currently an account has only one API key. So if you reset the API key, the old one will become invalid.

Q: How to reset the API key?

A: Go to “Account Management->Settings”, click “Genereate api-key” to get a new one.

Q: If the API key has been changed, can I update it in headless mode?

A: No. You have to turn off the headless mode and use it with the new API key.

Q: How to tun off the headless mode?

A: You can use “ctrl+c” or simply close the command line window.

RPA Recorder - Customize Your Own RPA Workflow with One Click

The new feature of AdsPower RPA can automate a bunch of repetitive tasks on Facebook and Amazon, helping improve your efficiency and effectiveness. AdsPower provides some templates, such as “Create FB posts”, “Add to cart on Amazon”, etc. But we should admit the fact that only the users themselves know what exactly they need for boosting their businesses. Therefore, today we’re presenting a brand new RPA plug-in - RPA recorder to assist you with customize your own RPA workflow.

What’s good about RPA recorder?

RPA recorder can be used for automation in ANY websites. Once you finish recording a particular process, you can import it as an RPA task, then you can execute the task in your profiles.

There are two strengths of RPA recorder that are worth paying attention to:

1. Simplify the process of creating new RPA templates.

2. Quickly customize RPA workflows

How to use RPA recorder?

1. Install the plug-in

1) Application center
-> Recorder action -> Turn on the plug-in

2) Open a random profile from “Profile Management” and check if the plug-in has been turned on.​

2. Start recording

1) Open a profile, in which you’ve logged in to an Amazon account. Run the RPA recorder plug-in and click on “Record now”.

2) Search for a product, for example, AirPods, then browse the results and add one to cart. The recorder will record the whole process.

3) When finishing recording, click on “Stop” and “Export”.

4) Go back to AdsPower, create an RPA task and edit the name, then import the process that has just been exported (RPA Robot -> Processes -> Create a task flow -> Import -> Add).


5) Go to “Profile Management”, choose a profile, in which you want to run the new RPA process.

*If you want to know how the task goes, go to RPA Robot -> Task details and check the results.


  • 图片2.png
    112.9 KB · Views: 11
This is very cool! We have automated tasks in this fashion for decades in the programming environments. Automations are such time savers!
No Worries Reaction GIF by PROPZY

Boost Efficiency with AdsPower’s New RPA Templates

Since the release of RPA robot, we have received feedback from users claiming their fondness to RPA, which significantly helps them improve work efficiency. Today we want to share with you exciting news - new RPA templates have been around! Come check out what new templates can do for you.


Join Facebook groups

Whoever engaged in SMM certainly knows that joining groups, especially those that are strongly related to your business, is an important step when warming up an account. This template can help join designated groups as multiple profiles at one time.

Like and share videos on Facebook

To bring a video to the top, it’s not rare to like and share the video using multiple accounts. This process is not complicated but is quite time consuming, but with this template, it can be easily automated.

Scrape Amazon reviews

Reviews give merchants insights into how customers like their products or competitors’, enabling merchants to look for new keywords from these comments. However, to scrape hundreds of pages of reviews is not something that can be done in the blink of an eye, let alone if you have multiple stores to deal with. In this case, the “Scrape Amazon review” template allows to set up the number of pages that you want to scrape, after the crawling is done, a document will be generated.

Invite friends to like pages on Facebook

It helps you invite random friends to like specific pages on Facebook, saving your time and making everthing quicker.

Browse products on Etsy

Emulate human behavior on Etsy: browsing specific products and randomly view product details. Similar templates for Poshmark and Mercari are also available.

Like videos on TikTok

Watch videos on home page of TikTok, give likes and leave comments under a random video.