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Issues with using proxies


New Member
I'm facing issues with proxies on various websites, including account bans, slow connections, and IP blacklisting. I'm using free proxies to manage multiple accounts. Should I switch to paid proxies? What are the best practices to avoid bans, improve speed, and find reliable, non-blacklisted proxies?
Although free proxy is free to use, compared with paid proxy IP, there is a large gap in data security, rate stability, reliability, and so on. To ensure the flexibility and security of the service, it is recommended to choose a paid IP proxy.

You can use residential proxies and if interested we can provide 200MB of residential traffic for you to try out.
I was in a similar situation, using free proxies to manage multiple accounts, and it quickly became frustrating. After dealing with frequent bans and blacklisting, I decided to try out LTE proxies. The difference was immediate. Paid proxies, especially LTE ones, tend to offer better speed and reliability since they mimic real mobile users. They're less likely to get flagged or banned. It made managing multiple accounts smoother. It's worth investing in a quality proxy to save time and avoid the hassle.
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