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iWT lost a page rank?


New Member
Has iweb tool lost a page rank or has it always been a PR5 site? Is this another evidence Google's anti forum crusade?


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Google have stopped 'some' sites from passing PR, this has impacted across many other sites that relied on networks of site wide traded links. At least that is how it appears to lil ole me :)
Yes, you theory makes perfect sense. I think G is also targeting forums.... all the sub pages of iWT has gone PR0 , same for sub pages of this site which used to be PR4, all with no PR now:(

Google have stopped 'some' sites from passing PR, this has impacted across many other sites that relied on networks of site wide traded links. At least that is how it appears to lil ole me :)
Yeah have noticed that does anyone know what sites have been banned from passing PR ? suppose they wouldnt otherwise it would be too easy lol
I guess you also know about blogs. In case you dont know about it , SeoPedia: The Internet Marketing & SEO Blog by Cristian Mezei has also went down with the PR from 6 to 5. I read that some users also complain about losing PR and SERPs position for blogs.

Is this change affecting blogs also ?

Chris is getting hit hard! first all his directories, now blog...

Watch out for blogs start loosing rankings like crazy thanks to all these spam auto-blog networks...