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Jill Whalen critiques Google



Dear Google...Stop Making Me Look Like a Fool!
by Jill Whalen,
September 22, 2010

Dear Google,

I'm tired of you making me look like a fool.

I've spent a good portion of the last 10 years patiently explaining to business owners and budding SEO enthusiasts that the key to being found in Google is to have one, great, all-encompassing website. That throwing up multiple keyword-rich domain doorway sites is a fool's errand. That writing crappy articles and submitting them to networks full of other crappy articles is a waste of time and bandwidth. That keyword-stuffed gibberish on your website just makes it look stupid. That link farms are spammy.

And I really thought that by 2010 all of the above would be 100% true. And yet they're not. I'm not sure if they're even 50% true.

Now don't go telling me that you'll eventually catch all that stuff ? because that's what you've been saying for years and yet you don't. Even when it's repeatedly pointed out to you. I just don't believe you anymore. I see the same search engine spam showing up today that I saw and pointed out 5 years ago. I see keyword domains and URLs that have nothing of value, yet they show up highly in the search results only because the URL matches exactly. I see fake links trumping natural links everywhere I turn. I see how one company with 10 similar but different websites can dominate the top 20 results.
