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Joey Blackhat -- A Cloaking Fantasy


Well-Known Member
Joey knows that the game can’t last forever and the penalties for getting caught are severe.
Yet, as he stares at the screen, a smirk forms on his lips.
The rush of bragging, the thrill of outsmarting the giants.
Wash rinse and repeat until you get banned over and over.

Chat GPT 4o
I was the Producer

Claude was the post production assistant:
final cut --when I had enough already
ffmpeg -i '/home/barry/boards/aff_fix/2024/video-ffmpeg/FinalFrame/blackHat/final_output.mp4' \
       -i '/home/barry/boards/aff_fix/2024/video-ffmpeg/FinalFrame/blackHat/output_video.mp4' \
       -filter_complex "\
       [0:v]scale=1920:1080:force_original_aspect_ratio=decrease,pad=1920:1080:(ow-iw)/2:(oh-ih)/2,setsar=1,format=yuv420p[v0]; \
       aevalsrc=0:d=$(ffprobe -v error -show_entries format=duration -of default=noprint_wrappers=1:nokey=1 '/home/barry/boards/aff_fix/2024/video-ffmpeg/FinalFrame/blackHat/final_output.mp4')[a0]; \
       [1:v]scale=1920:1080:force_original_aspect_ratio=decrease,pad=1920:1080:(ow-iw)/2:(oh-ih)/2,setsar=1[v1]; \
       [v0][a0][v1][1:a]concat=n=2:v=1:a=1[outv][outa]" \
       -map "[outv]" -map "[outa]" \
       -c:v libx264 -c:a aac \

This is mostly new to me so it took too long but we (AI &me) made some new editing scripts --so there was a net gain

The man in the video as generated by : FinalFrame AI Video Generation and Storyboarding
First time AI video generation by me so it's rather crude.

The lead in was a Pixabay background image with 2 passes with the lettering I made with Inkscape.
Then concatenated (joined) then concatenated together in the final cut after editing.

Now, to start to monetize these ideas with some possible offer/product with videos on Youtube or Social media?
I had a peek at that FinalFrame site. Wish I had a use for it, it looks amazing.
I had a peek at that FinalFrame site. Wish I had a use for it, it looks amazing.
It's beta site and sort of limited functionality. I bought 20 credits for $2.99 that blackhat cost 8 credits to make for 3 seconds 97 total frames --couldn't edit by frame count and loop the vid without it jerking bad...
It's beta site and sort of limited functionality. I bought 20 credits for $2.99 that blackhat cost 8 credits to make for 3 seconds 97 total frames --couldn't edit by frame count and loop the vid without it jerking bad...
Too bad they're charging for it then. Maybe user feedback to work out the bugs would be better?