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Hi my name is Eddie from New Jersey I have a Community Ad Site and wanted to now if any one uses a direct face to face (door to door ad sales) or shared marketing with there sites. And what other methods telemarketing
Hi grouchoed,

Welcome to 5 Star. Some affiliates do some offline advertising and it's pretty limited and only works for certain types of programs, but yours is one where it could make sense to do some.

Here is a blog I wrote about one of our clients who offers some offline advertising options. May be able to get some ideas here:
How to Launch Offline Affiliate Program - Refer Technophobe Friends

My feeling is that door to door in your case would take too much time and not reach enough people to be worth it. Now doing some low cost advertising in something like the Pennysaver, may be worth a try. Also a bumpersticker advertising your site, since it's local could not hurt.
I was thinking about sales people calling on small to mid size businesses and selling ad up grades. Or even taking 12 ads to run 1 month for a year as feature ads on the site. Take the work out of it out off it. Face it placing ads is work. Or even sell ad space on a postcard(1 side about site. place free ads on line) or some sort of leave behind material at company who I pitch about the site. Face it they are no newspapers do it. I was wandering if any has tried to do things like that. Your link gave me a few ideas
Glad that link gave you some ideas. Most of the people here are strictly online marketers so not sure how many have done the type of offline marketing you are talking about, but hopefully someone will have ideas to offer.
For me and the affiliate marketers I hang with, the reason we are into online marketing is so that we don't have to do all that face to face stuff.

The amount of work you have to put into each client and time spent per client, it seems more reasonable to spend that amount of time building an online campaign that has the potential to reach thousands of people

That's just me and maybe off line is for you but you need to look closely at the return on investment with regards to time, carefully