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Keywords Not in Articles Requirement?

King Conga

Active Member
Exsqueeze Me...but I thought Google kicked articles to the curbside that used tags/k'words that weren't actually in the article. I'm looking at a Squidoo article/lens/whatever that's apparently doing great rankings, but I found a keyword that's nowhere in the article.

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Also, while I'm here, all of a sudden I'm getting dizzy about how to use keywords. So, let me ask some of you gurus a couple questions about some keyword tools.

1. Are there any tools out there that can recognize WHAT your keywords should be based on your article content?

2. Are there any tools out there that can tell you if you've actually used all the keywords you chose, and researched?

3. Are there any tools out there that can tell you how many times you've used each keyword, and/or how many times you should use a particular keyword?

I realize these features would probably not come cheap, but it doesn't hurt to ask.
Where did you find that keyword?

If you're talking about the meta keywords tag in a page header, no major search engine pays any attention to that tag any more. You could have a meta vkeywords tag with nothing but nonsense words if you wanted - that would neither help nor hurt you, except by adding a bit of bulk to the page code and possibly increasing page load time infinitesimally.
Tanx Minstrel,

Actually, these were from a Squidoo lens, and the keywords I saw were the ones on the right side of the page at the bottom of the article. There's only 1 place I remember Squidoo asking for any keywords/tags. Hope that helps you help me.

Tanx Minstrel,

Actually, these were from a Squidoo lens, and the keywords I saw were the ones on the right side of the page at the bottom of the article. There's only 1 place I remember Squidoo asking for any keywords/tags. Hope that helps you help me.


Oh, okay. Those are just references to help visitors find related articles, like categories. They're not used in search engine ranking although search engine spiders may follow those links to find other pages for indexing.
Exsqueeze Me...but I thought Google kicked articles to the curbside that used tags/k'words that weren't actually in the article. I'm looking at a Squidoo article/lens/whatever that's apparently doing great rankings, but I found a keyword that's nowhere in the article.

Best Beat Software TOP 5 List

Also, while I'm here, all of a sudden I'm getting dizzy about how to use keywords. So, let me ask some of you gurus a couple questions about some keyword tools.

1. Are there any tools out there that can recognize WHAT your keywords should be based on your article content?

2. Are there any tools out there that can tell you if you've actually used all the keywords you chose, and researched?

3. Are there any tools out there that can tell you how many times you've used each keyword, and/or how many times you should use a particular keyword?

I realize these features would probably not come cheap, but it doesn't hurt to ask.

I think you are over thinking :)

You decide on your keywords and use them in your article(s). For every keyword, I recommend coming up with related keywords for diversity. This helps educate Google as to what your site is about and brings in more traffic. Plus it looks natural.

For tags you can use those keywords and the related keywords. Plus other keywords you feel are relevant. They do not have to be in the article.

YOU should decide what your keywords will be based on smart decision making...using "buyer keywords", looking at competition etc.

After you have written an article, you can use tools to see how visitors are finding it. I use a plug in, and I also use Stat Counter which is free. If you see that you are being found for xxxx, you can optimize for that also.

Hope that helps.
WOW!...Again. That certainly clears up some clouds. I also read a paper from Hubspot that spoke about getting key word/phrases from the aggregate responses you get by typing in your original words/phrase. I just haven't had time these past few days to test that.
