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Kindly help me out

Richard Mwangi

New Member
My English is not that good, I have been trying affiliate marketing for 6 months now but all is in vain, I have tried with big companies in my country (Kenya,) but I have no sale all I have is about 1000 traffic to my site each week.

Currently, I have 7 sites most of them are e-commerce sites have tried means, from advertising with Facebook and all this stuff.

In my country affiliate marketing is not that embraced, most people believe in writing content, the problem with content writing it pays so low, kindly I would like steps on what I should do I will really appreciate, it's not long since people from the middle class were able to understand the importing of products but still, over 70% still don't believe in it.

All affiliates out there please guide me have been using my hard earn money to promote my product but all is in vain.

All I can say, is that trying to sell something new or before its time is a tough row to hoe and I have failed more than once trying this --too much resistance. Buyer (or market) resistance is the biggest obstacle in selling I have experienced. Selling something people want, even when many cannot afford it --works (to some degree). Small successes can sometimes grow (be scaled) into substantial successes.
@Richard Mwangi , I want to add few points to @Graybeard .

1. Don't go to any business with unrealistic expectation of earnings!!!.
2. Quick money is only on HOW TO GET books!!!.
3. You need to focus on Creating best customer experience for everyone without validating or how much business one gives it.

Re-work your goal by considering above points and also the environment your business is in for next 5 years.

I am sure you will have a dependable business which u and your family is proud of and customer falling in love with it.

We will be around here on June 10th 2025. Keep us posted.

Best wishes...
My English is not that good, I have been trying affiliate marketing for 6 months now but all is in vain, I have tried with big companies in my country (Kenya,) but I have no sale all I have is about 1000 traffic to my site each week.

Currently, I have 7 sites most of them are e-commerce sites have tried means, from advertising with Facebook and all this stuff.

In my country affiliate marketing is not that embraced, most people believe in writing content, the problem with content writing it pays so low, kindly I would like steps on what I should do I will really appreciate, it's not long since people from the middle class were able to understand the importing of products but still, over 70% still don't believe in it.

All affiliates out there please guide me have been using my hard earn money to promote my product but all is in vain.

Welcome to AffiliateFix!

It's not always easy to start earning money on the affiliate money from the start and it's not the easiest money in the worlld, so keep your patience, try different verticals and test them carefully — it may take awhile.

If you'll need help with affiliate marketing tools — contact me anytime, I'll be able to help here :)

Good luck!
Thanks very much , I had loosed hope in affiliate market but this site has been very supportive.i have a site which drives in 100 traffic per day.
I currently have not made any bucks from the site but i am not loosing hope