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Knockout Active Wear Seeks Publishers




Our Affiliate Program is available to any quality publisher. Our standard commission is 7% and we welcome the opportunity to negotiate a higher amount for proven performers.

Our website is: Knock-Out Active Wear
More about our Affiliate Program including a sign-up link can be found here: Knock-Out Active Wear Products Affiliates
Share-a-Sale direct sign-up URL: and Knock-Out Active Wear

Our program offers the following advantages:

* Everything we sell is in-stock, resulting in better fulfillment and commissions for you the publisher.
* Datafeed Available.
* Open PPC, keyword and search policy.
* We offer our customers FREE shipping on orders over $50.00 and if needed, even FREE return shipping.
* Count on frequent addition of new creative, banners and text link offers.
* Private Label or Custom Coupon Codes Available.
* Third Party Aggregators: PopShops and Goldencan
* Social Media? Go for it!

I look forward to working with the many fine publishers here. Please let me know if there is any way that I can be of service.
