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Landing Page Essentials and Basics.



Landing Page Essentials and Basics.

This guide will show you how to achieve the best results with your landing pages and what you MUST include and why.

Landing Pages

A successful landing page is a step towards ensuring that potential customers become buying customers. The landing page is your point of persuasion. Your landing page is imperative to building your customer base. This page is similar to a sales letter. You want your users, who land on your landing page, to request more details from you. This dynamic is what will make certain that you get their personal information.

Informative Page

People who browse the Internet regularly are searching for information. Give your visitors exactly what they are searching for. Include free information, where you can draw a visitor to enter their personal data.

Soft Message

Don't try to sell your products too harshly. Provide the right amount of information to tempt your visitor to want more details. This is known as a marketing page. First make certain that their information is provided then make the sale. Be professional and present your data without too many complications like graphics and lengthy words. Include a testimonial. This is a great way of encouraging visitors to make a purchase online, or to provide their personal data.

Simple Landing Page

Make certain that there are no additional links except for a simple sign-up form. If there are too many links on your landing page, this will only distract your customers who will leave without entering their contact information.

Free Landing Page

Emphasise on the fact that you are providing customers free information. Be creative offer a bonus! These extra incentives will draw more visitors to your landing page. Online shoppers thrive on bonuses and incentives. Encourage them continually to provide their contact details. Point out to them that by providing you their data, they will receive additional information regarding products and services you are offering. Mention that these products and services carry bonus points, incentive schemes and so on.

Web Security

Your landing page needs to demonstrate a sense of trust, in order for customers to even consider entering their personal information or purchasing from you. Customers consider websites not safe enough these days. Customers are smarter about shopping online and do not get caught to scammers like they used to. So you need to ask yourself this question; does my landing page convey this kind of trust? There is a difference after all, between shopping at a brick and motar store and shopping online.

Customers expect your landing page to convey the same kind of legitimacy that real brick shops demonstrate. One significant way of showing proof of credibility is by making certain that a web seal has been placed and approved by a security company on your landing page.

You may be losing out on potential customers simply because you are not attracting users to your landing page. This is too good of an opportunity to lose out on. Ensure that your website's landing page carries an attractive interest - enough to draw the attention of your users. This will increase countless traffic and make sure your visitors flock to your website, increasing your sales abundantly.
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What are the things we should be testing on our landing pages?

There are many different things that could affect conversion rate so it's always good to test many different aspects such as:

- Layout
- Colour scheme
- Copy (especially headlines)
- Images
- Call to actions

Of course this sounds quite daunting, it's not as hard as it sounds and quite often I will do something like below (depends on the offer, niche etc, it can be a bit more effort than required for a $3-4 submit):

1) Create 2 differently styled landing pages and test them using a rotator to send an even amount of traffic to each
2) After a small test, look at the stats and pick the winner (i.e. highest conversions, ROI)
3) Make a variant of the winning page where you begin to change small features such as the headline, call to action, main image etc (One by one!)
4) Rinse and repeat

It's a constant process of improving your CTR and CVR, never be satisfied with what you currently have and keep pushing to improve it.
>>>) Create 2 differently styled landing pages and test them using a rotator to send an even amount of traffic to each<<<

If people don't know how to create "landing pages" surly they don't know how to "send traffic" to each. :) So where do we get this traffic? Thanks
Oh, landing pages can be purchased on themeforest (dot) com
Txs alot.. just beginning so this needs to be pushed into my skull :) BR PJ