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Landing pages VS Direct linking ?


New Member
If you want to use search/social PPC traffic for an email/zip submission campaign then which is better, Using a landing page or do direct linking ?
I've tried both... better resoults came from direct linking with blogspot meta redirect... Experiment with both, see which one will bring you more profit.
test a few KW with high bid : 200 clicks and one lead
test a hundred of KW wih low bid : about 20 clicks and no lead
I use direct linking only. Bad static :confused:
Lots of times, Direct Linking is great if you already know the traffic is high quality. For the most part you can just set it and go. But then, once the offer gets popular and other affs start promoting it too, you'll have to use a landing page in order for it to convert higher for you.

My honest 2 cents? Always go with creating a landing page. But Direct Link if you want to just test the campaign out for a bit :)
Lots of times, Direct Linking is great if you already know the traffic is high quality. For the most part you can just set it and go. But then, once the offer gets popular and other affs start promoting it too, you'll have to use a landing page in order for it to convert higher for you.

My honest 2 cents? Always go with creating a landing page. But Direct Link if you want to just test the campaign out for a bit :)
This is what i tend to do now, test with direct and if i make some conversions set u the funnel!
Plus one for what Dwayne and K said.

It can be hard to make low paying offers profitable without having the control of a landing page imo. Plus, as K said, if you are seeing conversions you can look at utilizing the traffic and setting up a funnel and remarketing to the traffic.
Help me out here... sometimes the official landing page of the offer is not that good and does not convert well. If I create my own landing page is there a way to bypass their landing page altogether? How do you get past a bad landing page?
I always test with direct then go LP if it seems worth it. Anyway for some PPC you gotta do a LP to bypass traffic source quality check nonetheless. I.E. Stuff Adwords or FB ads won't usually let slide directly.
I think it does depend on the type of offer. Dating/Adult offers for example seem to convert better with direct linking.
Though, it you did manage to capture the email address of a lead it could potentially result in higher earnings over the long haul as you could provide them with offers directly via email.

I started out direct linking all my offers. I have since purchased Optimize press to help me great LP's that look great. Gonna start my first one soon and maybe post a case study.
Split test both direct linking and utilizing a landing page and measure your results. Sometimes one works better then the other. IMO - using a landing page is better in most cases so you can actually capture the users details for future monetization methods instead of having it go straight to the advertiser.

This way you can promote different or relevant offers to those users you have captured from your traffic methods. And you also have these users for a lifetime, unless of course they opt out of your communication services.

This is part of what you call - Superior Monetization Methods. - It raises your overall revenue per acquisition thus giving you more profitability and for the long term. It takes extra time but it is all worth it. Trust me.