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Learning Coding

Hello you very wonderful and amazing individuals that make up these forums. I sincerely hope you are doing well and you are having a good week.

I was kindly wondering how long it would take to learn how to code a website such as CheapFlights or some of the other travel comparison sites. In which you search where you are flying to and from, you then get a list of a variety of flights and the costs, linked through affiliate programs. I am a website designer, i am mainly best with graphic design. However for instance if i took a course on Coding, what specific coding skills would i need to learn and how long would it take to then code from scratch a website like CheapFlights please? If anyone kindly had any thoughts on this i would be forever grateful and thankful it would mean the world to me.

Sending you lots of good wishes and i truly hope you achieve all your business goals and have a wonderful life. Very best wishes to you.
It's a JavaScript nightmare redirect from the form on view-source:Cheap Flights, Airline Tickets & Airfares - Find Deals on Flights at
did you look at the source code --It hurts my eyes
even worse: view-source:

result is nice

He is framing each of the tabs cross-domain my browser is making the request and accepting cookies.
You are not going to be able to duplicate this exact method used unless you have years of JavaScript experience, or; hire a real 'JavaScript developer' and spend some serious money.

Iframe tabs is a very good trick he's doing this using JavaScript and mentions JSON in the code.
code from scratch a website like CheapFlights

I've done several of these in the luxury destination and private flight niches. If you are just trying to cull data for your site, it will be a nightmare. The better option, IMO, is to have relationships with the flight services you want to represent and they will provide you with APIs. That is the easiest way, but I can tell you upfront they will require you to provide a very well documented white hat and successful background in online marketing.

Another way, much easier, is to use a company like Trawex. There are several like them. APIs for everything travel. Destinations, flights, hotels, car, site seeing, and more. This is the choice for you IMO.
APIs for everything travel. Destinations, flights, hotels, car, site seeing, and more. This is the choice for you IMO.
I assume he is using an API it's in his code somewhere probably.
The part I found to be unique (read: I have not seen before --was the tabbed selection of possible booking "agents")
It's obviously some sort of authorized "affiliate" api that he aggregated for himself --damned if I will wrack my brain sorting those scrips out for free LMAO.