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like to if there are a free or paid tempates for eSyndicat 2.2?


New Member
like to see if there are any free or paid tempates for eSyndicat 2.2?

Like to install the new verison of eSyndicat 2.2

Like to know if there are any tempates for that verion (free or paid)

which is compatable with their plugin system etc..

Currently there are no approved templates available, but Simon has assured us that most of the existing templates will be updated within a week or two.

Please, Please, Please DO NOT install RC on the live sites yet!!!

Like OWG suggested on eSyndicat forum - this is a recipe for the disaster!

There are tons of bugs that needs to be worked out and many many structure changes. You may loose your data like other users who did not created database back ups before upgrading.

None of the current version (2.1.03) templates are compatible with version 2.2. Like I said above there many structure file changes and even some of the template files are named differently.

As soon as I feel that new version is more or less stable I will start upgrading existing templates and make some new ones (paid and free)
Yep, I thought it important to warn people on the ES forum that the new version is a release candidate not a finished script.

People STILL went ahead though :(

As soon as the bugs are sorted out I will be using it on some new projects, until then though I am using the earlier current stable version.