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Link Bait On Forums


New Member
I have always thought of forum posting as beneficial to the
community it's niched in, beneficial to me as a knowledge
base, and now more so than ever (and we can see this by the
increase of spam on our forums) it's a great place to market
your sites.

And one great way to make sure your posts become the "hot topic"
amoung the many other great threads you'll find is the creative
use of link baiting your thread titles.

For example, I recently wrote a thread post titled, "Some Say,
'Forget Google!'
" - and as you know with the tidal wave that they
have created lately with site penalties (PR drops) - people
want to express their very passionate opinions on those types
of threads. So it's a good way to make sure your posts generate
allot of interest.
I am not sure if this is the best choice for the thread names in your forum for two reasons:
1. Many times when you are searching for something you want to see descriptive thread titles and names like this get me very, very angry to say the least.
2. "forget google" will do nothing good for my forum in the search engines.

May be this title will work as an anchor text for the link in the blog article where you can describe in a few words why I should "forget google" or whatewer the thread is about...
Thanks for your opinion Skinner. I created that thread's title right after I created this
- so I used it as a "link bait" example. And that thread, by the way, is questioning
webmasters about not optimizing for Google - hence the "forget" word.

I try to use very descriptive titles for my posts regularly, but since I was "link baiting"
- I used this somewhat confrontational title.
Martin, don't take it as a criticism - I am just trying to participate in the discussion you started and express views from different angles...