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Link from drop domains


New Member
There are lots of links for sale/exchange on website created from dropped domains. I do not think links from a site build from drop domain is worth much but then again, I could be wrong.

Does anyone have first hand experience of buying/selling/exchanging links from this kind of sites? share your experience please.
Yes, that is exactly what I mean, you have a lot of them about, once the are bought, people install WP on them, add so crappy post and pas them of as "blogs" with "x" PR conveniently forgetting to mention the fact that it was a drop they just slap wordpress on.

Temi, do you mean sites that have been in existence previously, dropped, then brought again and developed?

Oh, well, heres the downside..Google resets expired domains in most cases so the link value becomes pretty worthless unless you re-create that original site.

Good side is MSN cache everything in existence, session id etc etc so you will have a link on MSN still, even if the site has been down for a million years.
