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Link Juice: How to make people link to your website.


New Member
I invite you to read my article for Marketing Pilgrim SEO contest "Link Juice: How to make people link to your website" at
Please comment and let me know your ideas for gaining inbound links to your websites :)
Get where you are coming from but I think these are all link baiting strategys and do you no good long term.

tip 1. short term traffic from contest junkies.
tip 2 all you do is get traffic from other seo's you want business users, ok so an analogy but why give something away that is a tool in your arsenel.
tip 3 yeah blog or sommit but not many people wil link to it more onpage seo if u ask me
tip 4 but most of these wont directly link back to you, it is a lot of work for short return
tip 5 not a relevant link just a link
tip 6
Write on various forums dedicated to your business, gain trust and help other users. Don’t actively promote your website,

Did you take your own advise here?

tip 7, never stop thinking.

Not badly written just dont agree with alot of what you are saying, imho