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Linkbaiting share your tips


New Member
Linkbaiting seem to have come back into fashion since Google's crusade against link selling, there even some consultants offering linkbaiting consultancy.
Do you have a succesful link baiting strategy? why not share it with other UK WW memebers?
As long as you are not purchasing or selling links for PR, Google is happy :)

Most people advertise, example: purchase a link on a PR8 site
I don't know how sucessfull strategy i have but i tell you what i am doing under the label linkbaiting. As first step i always need to create value. This is the starting point. after i have one at a certain URL i submit it into the digg. This is not a expressly link baiting, but since digg doesn't add nofollow to the outgoing links it has an immediate positive effect. Usually the number of duggs are in proportion to the natural links from different URLs as well. I don't say that social bookmarking would be the perfect way for the linkbaiting, but i belive that more people have the willingness to provide backlinks as a vote at, than to open their own site in text editor or somehow to add the html link code.
Here you may read a list about the social bookmar systems which don't use nofollow.
Bagi, I completely agree with you on this, I mean using social bookmarking as a form of link baiting, I don't use it till you did it for the article you wrote about LBS in your blogs, I was surprised to see the result, after that, I have been using Diggs in particular on my blogs very successfully.

At this juncture I think I will digg this post :)
People everywhere are using link baits. Also besides this in dp for example some people post controversial or unfounded information and while it does not always create lots of links it does create a lot of attention and traffic.
Thanks for that MrCrawley, yes, at least it draws attention and traffic to the links in their sig
Link Baiting is a sort of art in my opinion and if not done properly it may turn back like a boomerang hitting your website.

One of the most successful link baiting campaigns I ever did materialised in tons of traffic, about 20 new seo clients and an article in one of the best spanish business newspapers with coverage in Latin America as well.
Rys, can you shed more lights on using bloggrrl ? did you write that article and got a lot of link back from it or what?
Link Baiting is a sort of art in my opinion and if not done properly it may turn back like a boomerang hitting your website.

One of the most successful link baiting campaigns I ever did materialised in tons of traffic, about 20 new seo clients and an article in one of the best spanish business newspapers with coverage in Latin America as well.

You did not quite tell us what this linkbait was Marius :)