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Local Search


New Member
I'm trying to rank a site in the top ten locally and I've been at it for about a week. I'm taking my time here...but besides leaving your links at local directories, what are some good sites like YELP I can leave my link for free?
Sorry but I'm not tuned into local marketing. It's kinda quiet here over the weekends but hopefully within a couple days someone with some ideas will be by.

Edited to add: 4/10/2010 I'm doing to work with local search marketing here in San Diego now and have some good tips for you. Please PM me.
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Are you talking about getting listed in the Google local listings that precede the regular searches?
OK. Go here:

You'll need a street address for your business, as well as a name (which can be your own as sole proprietor) and some way for Google to confirm your identity and location. Usually, they prefer a phone number where they can call and leave a confirmation number (of course, with the correct area code for that region).