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Looking for a mentor

There are oodles of *mentor* type threads at affiliatefix.

That would be a good place to start once you have a rough plan of action --strategy and looking for tactics.



Question threads here pls:
Links to sub-forums that can guide you:
Your best mentor is experience
  1. Learn --> gain knowledge from past beginners
  2. Test --> go into the field and try it
  3. Analyze --> study & understand your data gained
  4. Improve --> tweak your campaign
  5. Repeat --> keep trying cos failure is a requirement of success
Your best mentor is experience

There are oodles of *mentor* type threads at affiliatefix.
There sure are!

T J Tutor always tells people that they won't likely find a mentor who will take time away from making money to tutor someone for free. If you're looking for a one-on-one mentoring situation, anyway.

On the other hand, if you're willing to do those things listed above by Honeybadger and ask questions when you have them, you have access to multiple seasoned and experienced marketers here in the forum who'll help you. We are a learn and teach community.

Personally, I'd start with the links Graybeard posted for you. That will get you started on building a solid foundation. And as a side note, Graybeard happens to be one of those seasoned and incredibly smart affiliate marketers I mentioned, so if he recommends something to you, I'd definitely consider doing it. ;)