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“AdsEmpire”/  Direct Affiliate

Seeking Help Looking for a mentor


New Member
Hi everyone, glad to be here, I'm looking for mentor. I've been affilate marketing for years now with not much success. Currently I'm trying to promote the Clickbank product "his secret obsession", couple of sales but nothing to brag about. Looking for guidance with an experienced mentor. Thanks for your time. Martin.
Hi, Martin, welcome to AffiliateFix!

Use this forum as your mentor. Experienced members have already posted some fantastic and actionable tips, guides and case studies (see homepage). Members will also help you as you go when running a campaign.

Experienced marketers tend to spend their time working their own businesses, you may find it very challenging to find one who is willing to mentor. In fact, we tell people that they won't find one. They are rare and finding one that works for free is a needle in a haystack, if one exists. Sorry, that's probably not what you were hoping to hear but it's the truth.

Currently I'm trying to promote the Clickbank product

You can check out what other members have or are trying with CB. ;) Search results for query: clickbank

Anytime you have questions, please feel free to start a thread in the appropriate forum and ask. That's what we're all here for - to learn and teach.

Good luck with your CB offer promotion and enjoy the forums!

Welcome to the forums.
How have you been promoting the Clickbank offer?
Hey Stickland thanks for the message, nice to meet you. I've been promoting on Facebook (yes, the joys of Facebook ads, lol) couple sales but not a good ROI, I guess thats the price of learning lol
couple sales but not a good ROI, I guess thats the price of learning lol
Well that's a start, and it does take time to learn the ropes. Did you research the offer before running it. Are other people running FB campaigns for the same offer? I can't stress enough the need to analyze and research everything.
I know you're right about that and I think thats what bites everyone in the ass eventually, lol, not enough research. I did research the product and liked what I saw, and yes there are other people promoting the product; was using the spy tool. Cheers, really appreciate the message and feedback.
I thought it was a really good everygreen product, but of course "how the mind works" you start second guessing your decisions and wonder if it really is a good one. Regardless, I learned the lesson of the 1's, one product, one source and just focus on that
Evergreen or still makes a few sales (conversions)?

Food items, clothing, transportation and housing are evergreen. Healthcare and casually insurance are evergreen. Those are the mass market items that are truly evergreen.

When you have some money left over --then some of the other things are possible. So is it a trend or something that occasionally sells?


Hey Strickland, I'm using to track clicks from FB seems to be working pretty good, decent price at least and I don't feel like I'm getting gauged for the software, lol. How about you? How are things going?
Hey Greybeard and Strickland, unfortunately I had to stop advertising "his secret obsession" not enough ROI, so will look for something else. FYI, cheers everyone.
By the way, went with the alien thems you got going for logos and put that on mine hahah
Haha, nice, I like it. :)

Shame about the campaign.

This might be advice you already know but Ima say it anyway.
Media buying is all about numbers, you need a lot of data to recognize patterns in buyer behaviour. FB ads are an expensive way of doing that, escpecially when you're experimenting.

My journey started with poptraffic, I researched where the traffic was coming from, I researched and found offers that I thought would suit, and I sent tens of thousands of clicks to the offers. Split testing 5 or 6 different ads copy each campaign. Most of the time I was impatient and over optimized and it took a while to realise that. But after some time I was able to get campaigns green.

I learnt all about trackers, postbacks, tokens, optimization, bot filtering, targeting, white lists and black lists, and so much more, and it's cheap. When you learn to spot trends in large data sets you get an eye to spot then in smaller ones.
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