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Offer Wanted Looking for Healthcare US offer

Andre Houston

Service Manager
Service Manager
ClickGum - Links & Clicks Tracking Software
I have some mobile US traffic (bulk sms) i m looking for a good Healthcare CPA/CPL offer. Could you suggest some offers/networks?
I would look at the pet healthcare insurers.
Most humans get their healthcare provided:
  1. as group insurance by their employer; or,
  2. from the Healthcare Marketplace (Federal Government); or,
  3. as Medicare (over 65) A&B; or,
  4. as Medicaid low income qualified (state & federal assistance).
On the other hand many people will buy pet insurance policies from insurance offers. Doggie bill can add up fast when you have a problem and insurance is relatively inexpensive.
Doggie bill can add up fast

Sure can! All three of my kids have pets they love dearly. The vet bills can be really (really!) high, especially if/when there's a medical emergency. The prices for tests, procedures/surgeries and overnight care are astronomical here. Bills can easily be in the hundreds or thousands.

insurance is relatively inexpensive

In comparison, definitely! My youngest daughter has it for her little dog who started life as a sick pup, has been a good thing.
Hey Andre! Are you still looking? We've got the medicare (and other healthcare-related) offers you are looking for!

Feel free to reach out at any of the following:
Skype: sam.ho44
Telegram: sam.ho032828


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Google's "Talk to the Hand" call screening I find to be a real nice way to handle health and auto insurance spam calls and texts. Now, if I could only figure out a way to sell all the junk mail I get by it's weight :D