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Make That Video Work For You!


New Member
Are you an ecommerce site, or do you have an information site? I know that
for me, I've been iching to create online video tutorials - or "quick tips" that
I'll use for this forum as well as for my many sites that would benefit.

Online video is huge in the us, and here's a quick graph that shows US traffic:


So how many of you actually have used video successfully in your marketing? And what software product do you use to create them?
I actually wanted to use video tutorials on one of my sites but video editing program is kind of expensive and I could not find any free options...
I just bought a second hand car. I travelled hundreds of miles to view it first and another hundreds of miles to collect the car. What made me do it? the guys had a video demo of every inch of the car, he even drove the car etc etc, I was impressed.

It it was just a static pictures, I will not have travelled so far in case I do not like the car, but the video did give me a very good idea the condition of the car and what it looks like.