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Making money with typosquatting ?


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I am doing research on my education websites and am contemplating buying incorrect spelling domains and then showing Google ads on those misspelled domain names. I have learned that Google doesn't question these domains for advertising purposes, even when it's obvious what I am doing. What do you think and do you have any websites I can look at?

Danielist, as you are discovering there are all sorts of shady ways to generate income on the net. They may provide some short-term benefits, although probably not much. In the longer term, you are really working on building a reputation as someone whi is untrustworthy and opportunistic and that can only hurt you down the line.

Your reputation is a precious thing. Once it's damaged, it takes a long, long time to repair it. That is more true on the net than anywhere else.

If you want to dive into these shady enterprises, go ahead. You'll make a few bucks here and there but really not much. Your choice. I am not going to advise you on how to do that though and I doubt that anyone else here will.

What you really need to do is develop some patience and focus on the long term Use only "white hat" practices, build your reputation and network, do what you can with SEO to improve the ranking of your sites, and in time you'll make a lot more money with your reputation intact.

There really is no get rich quick scheme that is going to get you what you want over the long haul. Forget it. Focus on consistent effort and patience and you'll get there. If you don't feel you can do that, seriously think about an offline career.