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Making your first $1000-$2000 with media buy campaigns on a $500 budget

Want to break into media buy and don't know how much you should budget for the setup costs? In this post here i will be showing how to be able to squeeze what should have been a thousand plus bucks for the total set up costs into less than $500!

Here’s the total cost of setting up one profitable media buy campaign…

Server cost for ads – if you’re going to be buying media directly from publishers then you’re going to need a paid adserver like Adshuffle to serve your ads, Of course there are free options (DFP and OpenX) but like all free things you don’t get full control…Adshuffle requires a $100 as the minimum deposit. And if you’re going to be buying media with an RTB platform like SiteScout – then it’s $500 minimum deposit to use their adserver.

Server cost for landing pages – it’s going to cost about $15 a year for a domain name and say about $3.95 per month for an “economy” hosting but the thing is hosting companies like GoDaddy, HostGator and BlueHost like to bill up to six months – 1 year in a row and when those charges accumulate plus other upsells like Site Backup, Domain Privacy et cetera, it’d add up to over a 100 bucks!

Design cost – if can’t code or design your landing pages then someone you hire off of Odesk could do it for a fee – they could charge anywhere between $100 -$150. The best option here for anyone who can’t code would have to be the optimize press 2.0…for a one-time fee of $97 you can begin creating “real” websites.

Copywriting cost – if can’t put together a compelling copy for your landing page, you’re going to have to hire a copywriter to write one…an “English as a first language ” writer could charge anywhere above 50 bucks.

Media buy cost – this depends on which route you decide to take – if you want to “go direct” – you should budget about $250 -$300 and if you don’t know how to do direct buys – a $100 is the minimum requirement for most ad networks and that’s barely enough – since your campaign could burn through that $100 in hours
And on a RTB platform like SiteScout - $500 is the minimum deposit

Competitive Intelligence Tool – can’t take this off the list except you want to “fly in there blind”…with an intelligence tool like the WhatRunsWhere you’d able to see how other affiliates like you are doing…what banner ads, landing pages are working for them and where (websites) they’re placing their ads. A powerful competitive intelligence tool like the WhatRunsWhere costs about $250 per month.

Are you doing the math and getting discouraged already?

Fear not! There’s got to be a way to cram all of that expensive budget into practically less than $500…Yep!

I’ll show you here

Now straight off to the server cost for your ads – Adshuffle gives you freely a $50 credit when you sign up, which saves you the $100, sweet! That $50 free credit would go a long way in helping you turn your first media buy campaign into a success and I’m sure when you get flush –you’d be able to afford paying it.

Next up server cost for your landing pages – amongst all three top hosting companies I mentioned earlier GoDaddy, Hostgator and BlueHost – GoDaddy is by far the more affordable – about $53 for a 1 year economy hosting. You’re getting an unlimited bandwidth so you need not to worry about spiky traffic crashing your server.

Also there’s a free unlimited hosting from Hourb, all you have to do is register a domain name for $15 and if you don’t mind your website having the .tk (instead of .com) which is absolutely free to use then you’ve got yourself a free domain name.

And as for the design cost – if designing your landing page (in Photoshop and then slicing the PSD to html, CSS) - is a going to be a problem then the best option will be to buy the optimizepress (for a one-time fee of $97)– with it you’d be able to create professionally looking landing pages without having to touch code. A better option than having to pay someone each time you need a landing page if you ask me!

For copywriting cost – if you can’t write then then you should spend time in the archives of websites like and the copywriting section here on warriorforum.

Media buy cost – most people starting out like to sign up for a RTB platform like SiteScout ($500 – the minimum deposit) but I like to test placements for as low as $5-$10 a day on small sites and then complete the media buy (if the placement is bringing in profits) with less than $250…then I port the winning campaign to adnetworks and RTB platforms where my campaign will get exposed to massive volumes of impressions – where i make six figures!.

So the budget for the media buy would be less than $250…

And lastly for a Competitive Analysis tool as WhatRunsWhere they can give you a 2 weeks trial for $1, cool!

Now on a budget (less than $500) you can totally afford by skipping eating out at the fancy restaurants for this month, watching Pay-per-view – don’t even get me started on the strip clubs! LOL!

You can begin taking the actions to create a profitable media buy campaign that’ll earn you your first $2, 000 online.

Watch out for Part 2…selecting the offer.

You can also PM me if you have any questions
You said "but I like to test placements for as low as $5-$10 a day on small sites and then complete the media buy." What are the names of some of these smaller sites?
Names of the small sites? Actually i or you find the small sites related to your vertical..small site is just a term for sites getting low traffics like 45k and less uniques per day. And of course there's a way to find them, Quantcast, Google. Google Adwords et cetera.