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March 5 Star Affiliate News - Spring Into Action

Linda Buquet

New Member
<CENTER><img src="" align="bottom" hspace="15" /><strong><font color="#0099CC" face="Comic Sans MS" size="5">5 Star News - March 2010</font></strong><img src="" align="bottom" hspace="20" /></center>
Welcome to the March edition of the 5 Star News. Check out the exciting new 5 Star programs we have for you and be sure to catch the latest 5 Star merchant updates below.
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<center><strong><font color="#0099CC" face="Comic Sans MS" size="5">New 5 Star Programs</center></strong></font>
<strong><a href="">FlexOffers</a> - The Flexible Affiliate Network</strong>. FlexOffers features hundreds of affiliate programs from brand names like Discover Card, Macy?s, Stubhub, New York Life and Equifax. FlexOffers' publishers gain access to millions of products and the network provides versatile free marketing tools including datafeeds, deep links, templates and design assistance.

<a href="">n-fini Affiliate Program</a> - When you partner with n-fini Affiliate Program, you provide your users with access to one of the hottest brands in shapewear and earn money doing so! You can earn 15% - 22% on every purchase placed through your website. With an average order size of $70, that's sure to add up to a lot of money in your pocket! (Managed by PartnerCentric)

Zune Pass by Microsoft - This is your opportunity to join an affiliate program from one of the most recognizable brands in the world! A Zune Pass music subscription offers consumers unlimited access to music downloads and streaming from their PCs or Zune portable media players. Affiliates benefit from recurring payouts, high commissions, customer incentives like a free trial and sweepstakes offers, and full support from Microsoft Affiliate Services. Get complete details and join today!

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<strong><font color="#0099CC" face="Comic Sans MS" size="5">5 Star Affiliate Program Updates</font></strong></center>
RevenueWire Contests - RevenueWire is blowing it out to start the New Year off right, with 3 huge contests. You have the chance to win a Harley, or live dangerously and win one of four Incredible James Bond Adventures plus over $50,000 in cash prizes are available. Join RevenueWire today!

RevenueWire's New Radio Show for Affiliate Marketers at WebmasterRadio.FM - Check out Revenue Wire's new show which offers knowledge and analysis about e-commerce conversion strategies and current issues in affiliate marketing.

<a href="">PartnerCentric News and Updates</a> Check out the new program PartnerCentric is managing plus discover other company news about an affiliate survey and client case study.

<a href="">PartnerCentric Blog</a> - Discover more PC program updates, bonuses & coupons at the PartnerCentric Blog.

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<strong><font color="#0099CC" face="Comic Sans MS" size="5">5 Star Forum & Blog News</font></strong></center>
Hot Recent Threads - Please take a moment to scan the recent forum threads to see if there is a question you can answer, a member you can help or a topic you want to weigh in on. Your opinion counts! Thanks in advance for your participation. We appreciate you!

5 Star Blog - Scan the latest headlines for industry news, tips and tools

<center><img src=""/></center><em><font face="Times New Roman" size="3">Thanks for reading this month's issue of the 5 Star News.
As always, let me know how we can help your efforts and increase your revshare success!</font></em>