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Marketing Edinburgh:Marketing & Social Media Scotland Aberdeen Glasgow Edinburgh by B


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Bussinessgrowthnow offers Marketing Edinburgh, Marketing Scotland, Marketing Aberdeen, Marketing Galsgow, Social Media Edinburgh, Social Media Scotland, Social Media Aberdeen, Social Media Glasgow.Strategy & Planning for Success in Marketing in Edinburgh & throughout the UK Marketing Training Workshops in Glasgow & other locations in the UK
One of the biggest mistakes businesses make time and time again is not planning properly. Most businesses, particularly Small, Medium Enterprises don’t have a plan and they certainly don’t have a strategy. If that describes you and your business, recognise this - you are currently in the majority… but with us helping you and putting you in the minority, you are going to be streets ahead of your competition. Remember, you don’t have to be the best in the world; you only have to be ahead of your competition to win.
How Effective Is Your Marketing Plan or Strategy?
Deciding to just ‘create a brochure’ or ‘ have a website built’, without really sitting down and planning how to get the best return on all your time effort and resources, including your money, is a recipe for disaster. Marketing Edinburgh, Marketing Scotland, Marketing Aberdeen, Marketing Galsgow, Social Media Edinburgh, Social Media Scotland, Social Media Aberdeen, Social Media Glasgow.You spend so much time and effort on getting your products right, or on getting your service offering right, and you know you do a fantastic job, but you just can’t get enough of your prospects to see it. It is so frustrating isn’t it? ... But you have to consider, how much time and effort have you spent on learning how best to market your company? How much testing have you done? What professional help have you had? What do your ‘numbers’ tell you? What have you invested in the most important part of your business ... educating your market place?
You know the old adage ‘Failing to plan is planning to fail’ it is so true but it doesn’t have to be like that.
Not having a strategic approach, not having a plan in place to keep everybody on track, to be able to measure and track the success or otherwise of your marketing is one of the biggest reasons for the huge wastage of many, many marketing budgets.
Contact us now to discuss how you can get a strong, marketing strategy and marketing plan in place. For more details call us : 0141 611 7299 or visit online: