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Marketing On Youtube !!!


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First, you need a good source for retention views. And since youtube has raped retention view suppliers over the last few months... you're gonna have a real hard time finding good sources. I mean cheap sources who give you high quality views. I had to spend a lot of money testing to find the source I use today and I don't share him openly or privately with anyone.

Second, you need something like vagex or addmefast for likes, subs and comments. But don't use these for views because they suck. You can buy preloaded addmefast accounts on fiver, or you can get a vagex guru account. I personally do both.

Third, if you plan on ranking lots of videos, and ranking them on Google, ideally you want a fast VPS, GSA, Captcha Breaker, Indexification, The Best Spinner and Scrapebox.

It will cost you a bit of money up front, but you will save MASSIVE amounts on SEO in the long term.

Fourth, this is optional, but high quality keyword research can take A LOT of time if done manually. I personally hired a developer to code my a custom made application that scrapes hundreds of thousands of Clickbank related keywords, grabs the searches from Googles Keyword Tool, it filters out all keywords under 3,000 searches, then filters in all keywords that have YT videos in the top 5.

And it also does thorough competitive analysis.

So the simple answer is... its not really simple.

I've been marketing on YT for 2 years now, (I also do local lead gen) and for the last 9 months specifically I've been doing lots of Clickbank marketing.

It took me about 3 months to see my first sale. 3 more months to reach $100 / week. And now 3 months later I'm pulling in around $350-$500 / week just from Clickbank. I make about 3 times that amount with my local sites.

If you're a newbie, and don't know shit about YT marketing... I really HATE to say this, and I'm not trying to play with your head, but this is the WORST TIME you can get into the YT game. YT has made some serious and aggressive changes to their algo over the last 3 months, and if you haven't been on top of all changes... you're gonna have an extremely difficult time ranking videos.

Lots of things that use to be shared publicly... by people like me... aren't being shared anymore. Like I will give generic explanations of what I do, but I'm leaving out 99% of the core details and information. Like on page tricks to rank your videos fast. How to get and use accounts properly. Like I buy 90 PVA accounts every month but I will not use any of those accounts till they are 6+ months old. And I do this every month so I always have a surplus of aged accounts that I can use. Aged accounts don't get "discriminated" against like new accounts do. I've tested this a lot which is why I never use young accounts anymore.

And there is like 1001 other things you need to know. There are ebooks out there but I've never found any that are truly comprehensive. Like the amount of knowledge I have in my brain... I couldn't even write it out in less than 300 pages.

The best advice I can give is get to action and go all out, or don't take any action at all. There is no "middle ground" with this stuff. You either make it your top priority to learn... or you don't make it a priority at all.

Good luck
Peter Paul
Smart Marketing Strategies -
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Thanks.. But you didn't explained anything in details. This should be in online journey section. :p

I appreciate your effort to give something to these people.. :D Thanks again
Actually buying views will just decrease your rankings nowadays.Youtube can easily recognize If you those are real or fake views.It`s better go on naturally way and keep rank videos themselves.