Hello you very intelligent and creative individuals. I do hope you are having success with your internet marketing projects and you are doing well.
I was reviewing website traffic statistics for Live Jasmin which is a very popular site. This has 2,722,847 unique users each day that generate 3,659,049 daily page views with a daily revenue (from advertisements, i.e Google AdSense) of $ 3,659 USD approximately. This is a really amazing achievement to be able to generate this much traffic. I kindly wondered what are the best ways to scale up a website to get this many unique users each day please? Would a combination strategy be best such as SEO, paid advertising please? Further how come sites like Live Jasmin become so popular yet many other sites fail or dont reach the popularity level of Live Jasmin please? If anyone kindly had any thoughts on this it really would mean the world to me and i would be very thankful for any advice you can give.
Wishing you a wonderful day and i do hope you achieve massive success with your internet projects. With very best wishes for your success and i do hope you are happy.
I was reviewing website traffic statistics for Live Jasmin which is a very popular site. This has 2,722,847 unique users each day that generate 3,659,049 daily page views with a daily revenue (from advertisements, i.e Google AdSense) of $ 3,659 USD approximately. This is a really amazing achievement to be able to generate this much traffic. I kindly wondered what are the best ways to scale up a website to get this many unique users each day please? Would a combination strategy be best such as SEO, paid advertising please? Further how come sites like Live Jasmin become so popular yet many other sites fail or dont reach the popularity level of Live Jasmin please? If anyone kindly had any thoughts on this it really would mean the world to me and i would be very thankful for any advice you can give.
Wishing you a wonderful day and i do hope you achieve massive success with your internet projects. With very best wishes for your success and i do hope you are happy.