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Matt Cutts: Google Update To Target Overly SEO'ed Web Sites In Upcoming Weeks

Google Places Blogger

Posting from the Catalyst eMarketing Blog

Google's head of search spam, Matt Cutts, announced as a side note during his panel at SXSW that Google is releasing an algorithm update specifically to target sites over doing their SEO.

See it on, via Google Places Optimization & Local SEO News

I believe this is being over hyped as far as the "over seo" and people are missing the bigger picture here which is that the major search engines are looking much harder at user interaction with websites.

That is what people should be focusing on. Time on site, time on page, page views and bounce rates. Then focus on social signals. But through it all, links are still a major part of the signals.
I have a couple of links here that may help some people out if they are having trouble with a site that has good content, but may have it structured or linked wrong.

You have to remember that when you get down to the heart of the matter, it is all based on prior and current user data. Maybe you should just read it before i confuse anyone.

7 Ways to Beat the Google Panda Updates - Content Optimisation, Google, Olivia Naire, Search Engine News, SEO Tips | Ice Clear Media


Google Panda Update
I believe this is being over hyped as far as the "over seo" and people are missing the bigger picture here which is that the major search engines are looking much harder at user interaction with websites.

That is what people should be focusing on. Time on site, time on page, page views and bounce rates. Then focus on social signals. But through it all, links are still a major part of the signals.

Agreed. It's the same as the proposed updates concerning exact match domains. These strategies are still going to effective. However it is important to look at all factors of SEO.
Thought I covered that in the second paragraph? I covered the 3 dominate areas of modern SEO and gave them their due, just in an order that I think will benefit the most based on my research and testing.
Over-Optimization vs Optimization

Over-Optimization vs Optimization
by Joost de Valk
19 March, 2012

So, Google wants to do something about over-optimization. That's not saying they want to do something about SEO. As Matt said on that same panel one more time, they have nothing against SEO, they have something against spamming.

So, if you write texts with a keyword density of 25%, you maybe should be worried. If you install an SEO plugin that helps you write more search engine friendly content (and even warns you when it thinks the keyword density is too high) and optimizes most of the technicalities for you, there's nothing to worry about. Several Googlers use my plugin, do you really think they'd do that if they considered it over-optimization?

Now, stop over-analyzing everything Matt says and get back to work, building good websites for users.
From all that I have reading. focusing on providing quality content that people want to share is the future. However, backlinks will always count