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Matt Cutts: How to optimize your web pages



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One highlight:

Google is still testing the effect of +1 clicks on the search results. It seems that only clicks from trustworthy people will influence the position of a web page. In other words, it won't help to buy +1 clicks.

In addition, the +1 clicks on ads will show others who have +1′d it but that is all at this time.
Thanks for sharing this! For anyone who didn't know, Matt Cutts is the head of the Webspam team at Google- so it's always extremely worthwhile to pay attention to him.
i know he is the guru, but not sure how much unique info is emparted in video clips. Finding the time to view it all is the trick. What I have found is guru's critiques of matts blogs seem to provide as much if not more info to me that the guy himself, is this wrong?

Ok, i have started playing the video and hope that he gets to the point REALLY soon. STOP goofing around MATT!
i know he is the guru, but not sure how much unique info is emparted in video clips. Finding the time to view it all is the trick. What I have found is guru's critiques of matts blogs seem to provide as much if not more info to me that the guy himself, is this wrong?

Ok, i have started playing the video and hope that he gets to the point REALLY soon. STOP goofing around MATT!

I've seen some of his videos. Some things are really basic and it's like - "Hey man - why are you wasting my time?". Other times he's very insightful. However, I don't 100% trust him (just a personal opinion).
Iv'e seen him on youtube a few times and to be honest he was to vague for me to focus on so I moved onto something else, no offence intended.
You guys have to remember that he can not give up detailed info or the spammers will bum rush Google's algorithm, but he does give good information, you just have to pay attention to what he says, and watch his body language.

To give a couple points, he made the comment in one video that if you were not signed up for webmaster tools that you were "negligent" as a webmaster. He did not stress it, it was in casual conversation.

On one over keyword density, he said if you keep adding the keyword that they "made it hurt a bit", but his hand was in a nosedive indication direction of positions, so a high keyword density is not all that good with google and he plainly stated that they make it "Hurt a bit" .

These are direct hints, right out in the open. Always remember, people can mislead and omit with their mouth, but the body never lies, unless you are groomed to avoid this, like politicians.

Google has a lot more data on sites, users and so forth than any other company on earth. They make 20 billion profit a year. This means they know how to run a business, maybe it is a good idea to let them teach us how to run ours?