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Matt Cutts` Personal Predictions


New Member
Matt Cutts` personal predictions on his blog...

My 2008 predictions

2008 will be the year that hacking and search engine optimization (SEO) collide in a major way. By the end of the year, a nontrivial fraction of blackhat SEO will involve illegally hacking sites for links or landing pages. One webhost will get a significant black eye as hundreds or thousands of customers’ websites are hacked. The growth of illegal-blackhat SEO will leave traditional blackhats with a difficult choice: risk doing something illegal or sit out.

Interesting read, though as he himself points out, these are some of his personal predictions, not necessarily Google`s.
Great Predictions indeed means black hat will take all the cream while white hat will have only water!!! ;)
blackhat SEO will involve illegally hacking sites for links or landing pages.

This sadly happened to one of my sites late last year, took some time to realize this :(
blackhat SEO will involve illegally hacking sites for links or landing pages.

This sadly happened to one of my sites late last year, took some time to realize this :(

Temi we have to be strong enough and prevent it to some extent by supporting and uniting with each other as unity have a great power and impact.
blackhat SEO will involve illegally hacking sites for links or landing pages.

This sadly happened to one of my sites late last year, took some time to realize this :(

We are 6 days into march, and I am on my fourth clean up of infected sites, all PRN sites.

ADDED, none of them are mine, they are people who have come to me after losing rankings without reason.

A prediction if that happens, the person who finds a way of detecting and informing these links will become a millionaire.

ANd the person who finds a way of preventing it will become a billionaire :)