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Meaning of Google Algorithm


New Member
I want to know the meaning of Google Algorithm. If possible then provide me effective tutorial or any material from which I can understand it well.
well, no one know exactly about google algorithem that how it work,, but the idea is that google increase the ranking of a website after some time, that may be 3 months, 6 or one year,, or may be 4 time within a year.. and google gives preference to a website which do have good back links, and more prominant in search engine eyes..
You can read A pdf over Google to understand its algorithm or start doing SEO for a website because it will help you alot to gain knowledge about Google algorithm.
Google algorithm is been written by Google developer. So know ones know what are the code been written in it. Google algorithm is been discover for to index, and get SERP for the websites.
Google algorithm means, it a code where a logic been created on which the site been measured, and after what they have given a position in Google serp.