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Merchants don't pay


New Member
Hi all,
I am one of the affiliate and I have earn some commission with them. However, they refused to pay me by not responding to my email though they have promised to pay me in the previous email. I have been in this situation for nearly one month. Can anyone tell me what to do to solve this problem?
Thanks in advance.
Does the main company, or any company associated with them have a phone number?

Do they have a profile here that you can publicly reach out to them, so we can hear there side of the story?

I've sen in some forums that once a complaint against a company is public, the issue is resolved extremely fast...which is sad since communication has to be broken for it to become a public complaint.

I hope ti works out.
Thanks for the advice!
They are a small online sale merchant without phone number, I tended not to get it public since that would do some harm to their branding. However, it seems I have to do so now. After I posted a complaint on their fb, I finally get their response and I am negotiating with them now.