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Microsoft Challenges Google Places with Launch of New Bing Business Portal

Linda Buquet

New Member
I don’t really do anything with Bing, but am thankful for any developments that help to challenge Google to continue to improve Google Places. Lots of changes at Google in the past week since the re-org and more on the horizon soon, I’m sure.

In Challenge To Google Places, Microsoft Launches “Bing Business Portal” For SMBs

The BBP allows local business owners or their agents or designated representatives to claim and enhance listings with additional content including deals. Business owners can also add links to Facebook and Twitter.

Welcome to the TEMPORARY home of our Google Places Forum.
Eventually this forum may move to our sister site at
Catalyst eMarketing.
I've read some really good reviews about the new Bing Business Portal. It has important features that Google Places SHOULD have had all along. Like the ability to add your logo or branding image that shows in the serps - separate from all your other images. Google Places is so archaic in this respect. You can't re-order images and your 1st image is your SERP image. So if you want to change that ONE image, you have to delete them all and start over.

It also allows multiple people access to the owners listing dashboard. YEA! So if a business owner want to give a log in to his SEO for optimization purposes and his secretary to update deals - it can be done!