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Midsummer sale at RedTrack — save up to $5k on ads automation!

Polina - RedTrack

Active Member
Wo-hoo! RedTrack's midsummer sale is on!
This is the best chance to upgrade your subscription with a massive discount and invest in Advanced Automation at the lowest possible price!

Massive Discounts: Get 30% OFF all plans (for 6 or 12 months deals)

⚙ Exclusive Perk: Pay only for cost update frequency and get all other automation solutions as a bonus. With this campaign, you can save up to $5k!

RedTrack is a single solution you need actually to go for worry-free vacations — all ads are tracked, all campaigns are automated

You can apply for a midsummer discount via this form — Form

Enjoy vacations, while RedTrack works for you
Midsummer sale 1 rec.png
We are happy to announce the launch the long-awaited feature — Manual campaign / ad set / ad management for Facebook.
That means that now you can switch ads ON and OFF straight from RedTrack interface and reduce jumping between tabs on another level!

We are one step closer to our global mission — create a centralized control center for media-buyers, whether it's about tracing or automation.

If you want to hop on this train, don't miss our MidSummer sale (until July 1st) and get 30% OFF subscriptions and 50% OFF automation toolset (and get Manual Campaign management as a bonus!)
Learn more here — Plans & Pricing - RedTrack
Check a video our CEO Vlad recorded for you to learn more about Switch On/Off! —
