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I Absolutely Concur with Linda

Hello Friedmett,

Here's my take on MLM vs. affiliate programs:

Firstly, I am a former member of Mach90 and Juvio. Like you I was raw, inexperienced, and had no idea what I was getting into with MLM. The whole sales pitch, including their Mach90 video had such a great impact on me that I was sold instantly.

You said your products are not selling. Not only was that true for me but I was also sold on the idea that my sponsor would be of some great help to me. My sponsor did absolutely nothing for me after sending her, at least, 3 emails. So what happened to Mach90/Juvio's philosophy? Helping your downline meant more commissions for the sponsor.  Right?

I don't know whether or not you are a member of Mach90. But if you check their forum from time to time, you would probably see that a lot of newbies are having such a hard time selling Juvio's products, including Mach90's work at home program. 

I too created my own site, a free blog and other advertising platforms because I didn't feel that Mach90 or Juvio's sign-up page expressed enough.  As soon as the visitor went to the Mach90 site, they had to sign up which was, as a consumer, would be a little suspicious. Since there wasn't much info. available. Preselling is key and I also advertised on Google. No sales

I got the clicks but perhaps my landing page wasn't good enough. I lacked Internet marketing skills then. But now I've purchased two proven successful Internet marketing courses that are helping me to develop all the skills I need, including eBay. 

Mach/Juvio is MLM in the highest regard, definitely not an affiliate program in no shape, form or fashion.  Mach90's primary purpose was focused me selling  memberships to work from home and buying more of their products. I was actually the target. I had responded to both Mach90 and Juvio without help, so I cancelled my membership which was great decision. I'm happy with being an affiliate marketer.

And when I cancelled, no one bothered to ask me the reason why. Which led me to believe, whats more important.  Having more members paying x amount per month?  Or, less cancellations?  You do the math.

After doing some research on MLM, you have to be in higher ranking for commissions, in order to reap the rewards. What I saw was, since Mach90 and Juvio were stationed in the Phillopines that many of the people their were making sales also.  This also included my sponsor who never wanted to help me.

I sent over 500 visitors to my Mach90 and Juvios sites, and not one sell was made. After paying my $56+ for a period of 5 months or so, I threw in the towel and cancelled.  This is not my trademark to give up easily.

My suggestion to you is, if your Juvio sponsor isn't making any sales there's a problem there too. But if he/she is making sales and won't give you the inside secrets to making sales, you need to make decision.

I would not encourage anyone, newbie, or someone unfamiliar with MLM to indulge.  Unless you already have the traffic, the niche market, which is vital to your success.  Many people simply don't have the skills to make it work, and how to get the traffic which is key.

There are so many free affiliate programs available, providing so much materials to you, paying up to 75% or more in commissions--why even consider MLM.

Lastly, if you have been contemplating about pursuing other options to make money online, don't be afraid to do so.  Sometimes we fail to listen to ourselves because we don't want to give up our passion. What's so wonderful about Internet marketing, there so many easier ways to make money online.

Food for thought...

If you've been a member of Juvio for 4 or 5 months or more without any sales, maybe it's time to pull out.  You can make easier money from home from affiliate programs.  Believe me!

Good luck, I hope this has given you some insight.
