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MoneyLinks - Money for traffic!

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MoneyLinks - Money for traffic!
PushTip submitted a new resource:

MoneyLinks - Money for traffic! - Performance Affiliate Program with adult offers

What is the point?


Yes, the immediate benefit is less than from the “gray” scheme. However, from the 3rd month you will feel the difference!

What do we offer?

  • paid sites for adults, including additional purchases in one click inside
  • the only 3D dating game in the world for Android

Read more about this resource...


Dear present and future partners,

We sincerely wish you a happy new year! Let your income in the new year only grow and grow, and the MoneyLinks affiliate program will help you with this :)

This year, our main Yareel3D offer has already shown its profitability. At the beginning of 2019, the average EPM was $ 7, and in the new 2020 we introduce indicators:

Yareel Web Site Offer - $ 8.23
Yareel Android Offer apk - $ 9.17

We plan a lot of interesting things in 2020, so join us now and you don’t miss anything.

Registration -
I offer materials Yareel3D - link

Let’s Celebrate and HAPPY New Year! ;)
We remind you that you can monetize not only gaming traffic in Yareel3D. But also various niche traffic, including gay.

On December 1st, we made a big update to the gay content in the game. New poses were added, and a themed sale up to 50% started for the rest of the poses. This means gay players will be spending more money this month to buy the poses they want. Do not miss the moment to make money on this.


We have a thematic landing page for gay traffic. You can find it in MoneyLinks - this is the offer Yareel Gay Landing.

Manage to earn to the New Year for great gifts