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Hey guys,

Today we are happy to announce something that you were waiting for a very long time.This is the 3rd time that amazing Moscow Affiliate Conference by Leadbit & STM will take place!

Our one year anniversary will be on March, 29, in Moscow, Russia. Nothing unusual, right. But no doubt It will be bigger, stronger, better this time! STM Forum & Leadbit union is committing to hold the high level of the event.

What can you expect from MAC & Party 2018?

  • First of all, the attendees from over the world: well-known companies, super-affiliates, whose approaches to business are many different. Moscow Affiliate Conference by Leadbit & STM is able to engage any kinds of guests, providing a scale of the event organization. Greatest networking is promised!

  • Secondly, manual moderation of tickets. Only the like-minded people will get the chance to attend the event. No third-party brands or those who hesitate to tell about himself and own successes in internet community. Keep your mind open for TOP industry players to the Conference!

  • And third, Leadbit Team attends tons of conferences every year, and understands how an each detail is important: starting from badge design and format and registration process, and finishing booths location, agenda, speakers and After-Party. Our best experience is awaiting in Moscow!

Btw, about Crazy Russian After-Party that already became a legend among the affiliates all over the world. This time we’ll keep the high-grade show program with unlimited and free alcohol, hookahs, cocktails and soft drinks. Welcome ;)

Ready for rock this spring in Moscow? Join one of the best industry events and Don’t miss your chance to discover Russia with Leadbit & MAC Teams!

Registration on the web-site: Moscow Affiliate Conference & Party!
FB community: Log in or sign up to view
By any questions skype: live:2017_22
Our email:

See you in Moscow, Russia!


Moscow Affiliate Conference is keeping up to date and is changing faster than you can possibly imagine. Last few days of MAC Autumn edition ticket prices. Hurry up to take the place -

  • x2 international guests and publishers from all over the world
  • x3 international companies – the greatest representatives of CPA
  • some more entertainment zones, speed networking and lounge
  • helpful application developed specially for the conference and communication of participants
Save some dates for MAC&P 2018. You’ll have the opportunity to cheer up your colleagues and friends at the Affiliate Cup, to have fun with the international guests and partners at the pre- and after-parties! After all possible amusements see you at Admitad Lounge, just for real bros and partners.

Be ready for a lot of fun and information!

We’re true to our ways and we always work with the team of TOP Influencers – STM.
These guys know exactly how to amaze you! STM always invites only interesting international experts and makes the most qualitative networking!

See you at MAC 2018!

MAC 2018: Sponsorship

Hello guys!

We’re not the braggarts but we’re extremely glad to tell you some about our sponsors and partners!

Almost all sponsorship packages are already sold out!

Firstly, we’d like to present our dear Diamond sponsors, our reliable and loyal partners which are always with us! – the direct advertiser, CPA network and the organizer of conferences around the world.– our permanent Diamond sponsor, the international affiliate network. – our sponsor and friend, the affiliate program – the special guest, the leader of the affiliate marketing in crypto-world.

You can’t be bored in such a cool company, these guys are preparing a lot of interesting for you!

Our sponsorship team is big enough! Meet our Platinum sponsors! These guys help us to organize some unforgettable extra events and parties for you! – the CPA network working with CIS and Europe – the platform for easy and fast monetizing of traffic – trusted iGaming affiliate network with crazy CPA rates and lifetime RevShare deals – the global data mobile marketing platform and soi

We’re honored to partner with such real leaders and experts of the CPA world!

MAC'18 is coming!

MAC 2018: Gold Sponsorship

We’re happy to share extremely inspiring information and we’d like to present you our first GOLD sponsors!

You can meet the representatives from Russian and international companies at the exhibition.
Every company participant is preparing something extraordinary to amaze the guests and we always try to help them! – TOP CPA network, the main direction: e-commerce – CPA network, the main direction – lead generation around the world – the international affiliate network, the main direction: pin submits and soi – the affiliate network which can monetize your traffic using cryptocurrency from the browsers! – the affiliate network which let you earn working with educational traffic – the dating affiliate network, perfect for mix of international traffic – the affiliate network which works with dating traffic, giving about 100% conversions using CPA model via smart-link – the affiliate network with unique mobile offers, this company is an expert in mobile programmatic – the modern platform which promotes mobile games – the financial service which let you work with the most popular networks and replenish your balance with the same account – CPA network with the wide diversity of COD offers and Euro and BTC payouts – one of the biggest and popular adult traffic source worldwide
TrafficStars – one of the leading programmatic platform monetizing mobile traffic around the world – the global technological buying platform, more than 5000 offers in the entire world – TOP trecker and analytic platform of optimization and mediabuying which is perfect for native advertising

Thank you for your support and confidence!

You have the opportunity to meet these heroes of the affiliate market on the 29th of March in Moscow!

See you!

MAC 2018: Hot afterparty news

Some cool news about our Moscow Affiliate Conference 2018!

Now you can upgrade your tickets to VIP or Diamond passes!

You can buy the pass to the afterparty separately or get an access to the private Diamond zone where you’ll find the elites of the affiliate marketing!

This zone provides for:
  • seating pattern for 150 people;
  • private tables with delicious food;
  • private show program and girls

Everything is inclusive and free.
Of course, seats are limited.
Don’t miss the chance to take your place!

Check out more details here - Moscow Affiliate Conference & Party!


Moscow Affiliate Conference 2018 is ready to amaze you every day!

At the third time team of the organizers of MAC 2018 are inviting important and interesting figures of CPA market.

Only at MAC 2018 you will find an exclusive announcement of the new affiliate network made by one of the most popular search engine in Russia – Yandex.

One of the most expensive companies in Runet by Forbes version isn’t wasting the time and starts working with the publishers more intensively.

The team of Yandex is going to share its experience at MAC 2018! It’s going to be cool!
The agenda of MAC 2018 promises to become interesting and full!

Don’t miss the bombing event of the spring!

See you on the 29th of March in Moscow!

More details are here - Moscow Affiliate Conference & Party!

Hello everyone!

We have no doubts that Moscow Affiliate Conference 2018 becomes one of the most promising CPA events of this spring!
One more step is under our belt - 1600 approved requests from all over the world one month before the conference!

We’re absolutely sure that you’ll remember the 3d MAC forever, because Leadbit and STM Forum know the sense in professional events and unforgettable parties!

By the way, you can upgrade your tickets right now in your account and easily get more profits!

  • GOLD ticket becomes VIP ticket with afterparty included.
  • DIAMOND ticket gives you the opportunity to party at the special Diamond Zone.

Why shouldn’t you miss this chance to upgrade your ticket?

Just check out the list of participants and you’ll see that there will be CPA best and brightest at MAC2018 - Moscow Affiliate Conference & Party!

You can become one of them!

See you on March, 29th!

Hello friends!

Breaking news about Moscow Affiliate Conference 2018 as usual!
This team never stops to amaze us!

Now MAC’18 has the special application for iOS and Android and it’s extremely helpful one!

With MAC’18 App you can:

  • follow all updates – always urgent agenda, the map, and useful contacts;
  • find out detailed info about all the participants of the conference;
  • communicate with the attendees online before MAC’18;
  • arrange a meeting with your future partners.

Run to App Store - App Store: Affiliate Conference

And run to Play Market
- Affiliate Conference – Android Apps on Google Play

Download the app Affiliate Conference MAC’18, plan the day of the event just to be fully prepared ;)

See you soon!


Ole ole ole! Go, Affiliates!

On the rights of the hosts we are going to recieve the First Affiliate World Cup in Moscow ;)

In the run-up to Moscow Affiliate Conference we'll play the Affiliate Cup on March, 29th!

If you're the participant of MAC 2018 and ready to do battle on the football field, just register at the site as a player or a team (5 people).

The full teams will be included into the toss at once, the players without the teams will be gathered locally.

The details of the participation and registration are here - First Affiliate World Cup

Stop playing FIFA online, show your skills in fact!

Register at the site and become the participant of the unique event!


Hi to all!

We’re storming out the intensive working rhythm after the weekend, come on!

During the preparations before the international event, the great support of the partners and friends really matters.

We’re the luckiest team ever because our partners are extremely supportive and reliable over and over.

We’re proud of Moscow Affiliate Conference which was made for the world professional community and Russia.

Friends, thank you for your confidence and support!

MAC 2018 will be more ambitious this year because of you too.

Special thanks go to: – the best affiliate networks ranking. – a fresh mobile affiliate program. – the popular source which posts urgent and helpful news about internet marketing.
CPA.RU – a private affiliate program which monetizes traffic. – online advertising technology group. – a mobile affiliate network focused on CPA advertising. – the powerful search which allows you to target the affiliate offers you want to explore. – the popular affiliate ranking and media source about the money on the internet. – smart link for bright affiliates, affiliate network. – useful mailing service. – international affiliate network which works with CoD offers. – leading multi-channel advertising network for content publishers, brands and advertisers.

We’re waiting for you in Moscow at MAC 2018!


Hey guys!
Here's the incredible giveaway!

Free DIAMOND ticket is waiting for you!

Now the price of the DIAMOND pass is $549, soon it’ll become $1999. You have the chance to win it!
Moscow Affiliate Conference by Leadbit & STM and Traffic Cardinal give you the opportunity to get the most desirable ticket for your story!

Some steps to win the pass are here:
  • Sign in Traffic Cardinal -
  • Post there your story: it can be the case, funny picture, your experience, your thoughts and ideas – everything you want (it’s a kind of the community blog).
  • Post the same story or just share it on Facebook
  • Submit the link to your Facebook post in comments under your post on
  • We’ll choose the winner randomly on March, 27th!
Don’t miss the chance to feel yourself like a star!

Run to post your unforgettable stories ;)


Hey guys!

Here's the incredible giveaway!
Free DIAMOND ticket is waiting for you!

Now the price of the DIAMOND pass is $549, soon it’ll become $1999. You have the chance to win it!

Moscow Affiliate Conference and Traffic Cardinal give you the opportunity to get the most desirable ticket for your story!

Some steps to win the pass are here:
  • Sign in Traffic Cardinal -
  • Post there your story: it can be the case, funny picture, your experience, your thoughts and ideas – everything you want (it’s a kind of the community blog).
  • Post the same story or just share it on Facebook
  • Submit the link to your Facebook post in comments under your post on
We’ll choose the winner randomly on March, 27th!

Don’t miss the chance to feel yourself like a star!
Run to post your unforgettable stories ;)

MAC’18 - HOW IT WAS? Just the first feelings

Hello guys!

In the beginning of this week, we decided to share with you our first impressions of Moscow Affiliate Conference by Leadbit & STM that took place the last week. As for us, It was the BOOM show like Affiliate World Conferences. Just some facts to have you assured in:

- 2500 attendees in new conference venue called Tesla.Place
- Greatest international preparty for 400+ persons
- Afterparty and Leadbit Lounge

MAC’18 had its atmosphere of the largest international conferences on affiliate marketing: speed networking zone, insights from recognized world top speakers, more than 60 sponsors and representatives of 170 companies from all over the world. We thank all the attendees for creating a really great event with us. Hoping you were enjoying as we were

The first photos are already there. A detailed report with videos, speeches, and bonuses from the speakers will be posted later. Meanwhile, we suggest you share your first impressions about MAC'18. Just submit your comment below.

That was really huge event! TOP speakers, networking with like-minded people and great atmosphere. Congrats and hope to see you next year!
Huge thanks for sponsors and speakers. All was at its best, the great event of international level!
See you next year!
MAC 2019 in Moscow is the most anticipated affiliate marketing spring conference, which will be held on April 9-10. This means more content, communication, events and meetings these days!
As well as more organizers - Traffic Cardinal has joined the Leadbit and STM team.


What is so exclusive about Moscow Affiliate Conference 2019?

Besides that it will last for 2 days with an 3000 practicing affiliate marketers & superaffiliates attending.

An opportunity to work face to face with top industry players and influencers:
- exciting atmosphere as it used to be inside the affiliate community - small talks which can lead you to a great deal!
- 80 international exhibitors - you would find a number of real international contacts who are willing to establish new level of good deals: all the CIS leading affiliate companies, companies from EU (Netherlands, Spain), US, Australia and even Asia (China, India).
- the very actual business partners to cover: the strongest and new Affiliate Networks on CPA, CPA, CPC with CoD, Finance & Education, Adult & Dating, Crypto, Betting & Gambling, Mobile, Sweeps & Push offerings; the most advanced & popular Traffic Sources & Ad Networks, Browser Tools, Trackers & many others.


You will find all the actual info about the conference at the website Moscow Affiliate Conference & Party!
RSVP to see the early bird prices for show & preparty tickets.

See you all at MAC!
Hey All!!!
Come meet and talk with AdMaven in Moscow, We will be in table EG8 :)
Don't be a stranger :)

Looking for an opportunity to upgrade and develop your affiliate marketing skills?
Join Moscow Affiliate Conference & Party on April 9-10!
Last year it gathered 2900 attendees and 140 companies from 40 different countries, this time it will be even more grandiose!

Absolutely no way to miss out on these tremendous things:

  • Start networking before conference: exchange experience with other affiliates at meetup by Affiliate Business Club.
  • Have fun at several cosmic parties organized by affiliate networks during the conference.
  • Meet legendary Super Affiliate: Attila is already thrilled to explore severe, but beautiful Russia:)
  • Join crazy Afterparty - it will be held in a fancy 3-storey club, which is said to be the biggest club in Europe
  • Today Conference & Party (VIP ticket) cost $159 and we give 20% discount to our bro:) Grab your promo code for VIP ticket: “lovelymoscow”

Moscow Affiliate Conference & Party!

Don’t worry about visa - we send invitations and provide our guests with visa info (write to Discover diverse, lively and contrasty Moscow. Weather is nice here in April ;)